Happy Fairy Day!
Today is National Fairy Day! And, in honor of all Fey everywhere, we have some cool things for you!
First off, a giveaway! How does a signed Iron Fey trilogy sound to you? (That would be The Iron King, The Iron Daughter, and The Iron Queen.)

Good? Excellent! To enter, tweet a favorite faery quote with the hashtag #fairyday, or put it up on your blog/facebook/tumblr somewhere. Then leave your name, email, and the quote in the comments below.
Example: "Lord, what fools these mortals be." -Robin Goodfellow, A Midsummer's Night Dream. #fairyday (Open to everyone. Giveaway will run to July 16th.)
Okay, now for something really cool. Check these out.

Pretty awesome wallpaper, no? You can thank Harlequin Teen for these gorgeous works of art. :D If you want one for your very own, check out Harlequin's Facebook page , they should have the links up very soon.
HAPPY FAIRY DAY, everyone! Don't forget to tweet a favorite faery quote for a chance to win. (And don't forget to comment about it with your name and email, else I won't know you've entered.) Now, go out there and dance a jig under the full moon, or make a wish in a faery ring, or take a ride on a phouka. Or, better yet, check out some awesome faery books. Lament by Maggie Steifvater, Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr, Wonderous Strange by Leslie Livingston, and The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff are all great choices.
And, if you want to celebrate Fairy Day properly, just ask yourself: What Would Puck Do? ;)