Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
Soooooooooo, if you're here, you're probably looking for the special Valentine's Day short story about Ash and Meghan's first date, yes?
Well, I do have the link that will take you to it, but I also wanted to point out there is also a contest at the end of this post.
But you probably want the story first, right? Okay, clickie the linkie, read the story, and then come back here for the contest. Sounds like a plan. Or, you can scroll down and check out the giveaway beforehand; really, the choice is yours. :)
So, onto the actual event.
(Quick warning: this takes place after the events of The Iron Knight, so if you haven't read it yet, there could be spoilers. With that in mind, read on.)
AN IRON FEY VALENTINE can be found at theironfey.com. Its a story of pure, unfiltered fluff that I wrote just for fun, but also a thank you to my readers and fans for all their support and encouragement over the years. So check out the short snippet here, and then head over to theironfey.com to read it in it's entirety.
And now, I give you: An Iron Fey Valentine:
“A-ha! There you are.”
Ash glanced up from where he was leaning against a library shelf, an open book in his hands. One leg was drawn up, resting against the edge of the shelf, and his silver eyes glimmered in the shadows. For a moment, he was perfectly still, and I took advantage of that moment to admire him. Even at rest, he looked like a coiled jungle cat, lithe and graceful, his long black coat falling elegantly around him. I’d tracked him to the library after failing to find him in the courtyard where he usually was, sparring with Glitch or training the new recruits. I guessed he’d let them off easy today; most of the guard was terrified of him.
Smiling faintly, Ash replaced the book on the shelf and beckoned me forward. Unable to resist, I stepped into him, and he drew me close, long fingers resting against the small of my back. “Here I am,” he agreed, sounding slightly amused as he brushed a strand of hair from my eyes. ‘Though if you needed me, all you had to do was call.”
“I know.” I laced my arms around his neck and smiled up at him. “But I wanted to talk to you alone, without gremlins peering over my shoulder or spying from the ceiling.”
“Ah, well, it’s a good thing I came here, then.” Gremlins rarely ventured into the library; there was nothing electrical for them to destroy or short circuit. I knew that was another reason Ash liked to come here; the gremlins often annoyed him, with their high-pitched laughter and general love of chaos. He pulled me closer, his gaze affectionate. "What did you need, Meghan?"
"Do you know what today is?"
Continue the story at

Are you back? Are you here for the giveaway? Cool, very cool. Well, while I was at FaerieCon this week, I managed to snag this:

That is a special, library hardback edition of THE IRON KING. The bookstore had only two of them floating around and I managed to grab one. But what are those two funny little bottles below it, you ask? That, my friends, is authentic bottled faery glamour. Winter glamour for Ash, and Summer glamour for Puck. (Funny that they were selling them at FaerieCon, right?)
Rules and stuff:
There will be two winners, one for Team Puck and one for Team Ash. Second place will get the bottle of their choice, while the first place winner will get a bottle and a signed hardback edition of The Iron King. To enter, just
leave me a comment and say if you're Team Ash or Team Puck. Easy peasy, right? The giveaway will run to the end of the month. And yes, it is international.
Everyone got that?
Okay, then you know what to do. Just please no bashing or flaming the other Team. Its Valentine's Day, the day of love, after all. ;)