Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The BEA14 Dragonhunt

Hello dragon hunters!

Welcome to the BEA Dragonhunt page.  The BEA Dragon Hunt has begun!

Dragon Number 1

Dragon Number 2

Dragon Number 3

Dragon Number 4

Dragon Number 5

Dragon Number 6

Check this page Thursday, Friday and Saturday for pictures of the dragons hanging around the Javits Center.

Determine where the pic was taken (i.e: Hachette Booth, Starbucks kiosk, ect.).  There will be six locations, three on Thursday and three on Friday.  So keep checking back to get them all.

Write down your answers and send them to contests@juliekagawa.com to be entered to win.

Remember, the first person to send in all the correct answers/locations will win the Grand Prize!  Comments will be disabled to prevent hints, and you will have until June 8th to enter.

Good luck!  And happy hunting!


Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday Musings: Where I'll be at BEA

Happy Monday!

Wow, BEA is just around the corner; only a couple more days till I'll be flying out to New York City for the biggest publishing trade show of the year.

For those of you going to BEA, here's a quick schedule of where I'll be.

Wednesday, May 28th

Teen Author Carnival 
Jefferson Market Library
425 Avenue of the Americas

I'll be at the TAC with several other authors including Adi Alsaid, Cara Lynn Shultz, and Jennifer L. Armentrout.  First time as a TAC author, woohoo!  

Thursday, May 29th

Harlequin Teen Blogger Breakfast
Javits Center, Room 1A12

My Thursday starts bright and early with the Harlequin Teen Blogger Breakfast.  I am NOT a morning person, so if you see me and I look a wee bit zombie-like, I'm not ignoring you, I swear; my brain just hasn't woken up yet.  ;-)

Harlequin Teen signing hour
Harlequin Booth

I'll be signing copies of TALON at the Harlequin Booth, so if you want an arc, be sure to arrive early.  I think they have a very limited amount of arcs.  Plus, if the signing is anything like the previous year's, the lines are going to be crazy.

Friday, May 30th

Nothing official on the schedule for Friday, so you might catch me wandering around the Javits floor or hanging out with friends.  If you see me, please come say hello.  :-)

Saturday, May 31st

Javits Center, Autograph Booth #2763

Teen Signing
Javits Center, Harlequin Booth
Not entirely sure what I'll be signing here.

Also, don't forget to check my blog Thursday and Friday for pictures of the dragons hanging out around the Javits Center.  If you can find where they've been, you could win a dragon and a signed Talon arc!

Full details for the Dragonhunt contest here.

This isn't everything I have to do, of course. My BEAs tend to be extremely hectic, with interviews, meetings, lunches, and other obligations.  That's not me complaining; I love BEA and I have an awesome time every year, but if you catch a glimpse of me sprinting across the Javits floor with my poor editor close behind, we're probably on our way to a meeting or interview and have approximately 12 seconds to get from one end of the Javits to the other. But if you do catch me in a rare moment of down time, I'm more than happy to chat, take pictures, grab a soda, whatever.

That's it!  Hope to see you there!


Friday, May 23, 2014

Dragon Friday: How to Train Your Stitch

Happy Dragon Friday!

Ugh, completely forgot about today's Dragon Friday.  Don't have much to post this week except this: a present from my hubby just because.  I love How to Train Your Dragon, and I adore Stitch.  Soooo....


How to Train Your Stitch, cutest Disney/Dragon mash up EVAR.  ^__^  Be jealous.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

TALON: Read the first chapter

Hey everyone!

So, I have a special Teaser Tuesday today.  Who wants to read the first chapter of TALON?

Is that a yes?  You would?  Awesome.  :)  I happen to have a link to the first chapter right here.  I do have one teensy request, though. If you do read it and like it, feel free to share the link on your social networks so that other's can enjoy it, too.

Thanks so much!  Who's ready for dragons?

TALON: Chapter one


Friday, May 16, 2014

Dragon Friday: The BEA#14 Dragonhunt

Hey everyone!

Who's excited for BEA?  And if you are, who's ready for a dragonhunt?

This year, the dragons of TALON--Ember, Cobalt, and their mystery friend--are coming to Book Expo America!  They'll be prowling the Javits center, checking out new books and authors, hiding out in the crowds, and if you can find where they've been, you have a chance to win a signed arc of TALON, plus one of the dragons themselves.

So, dragon hunter, to catch yourself a dragon, here is what you'll need to do:

1. On the Thursday and Friday of BEA (May 29th and 30th), check this blog (juliekagawa.blogspot.com) for pictures of the dragons hanging out around the Javits Center.

2. Figure out where they've been.  You might need to track down the spot yourself, or you might know exactly where it is.  Write down your answers.  There will be three pictures, one picture for each dragon, per day, so that's six locations in all.

3.  Mail your answers to contests@juliekagawa.com.  Text only. No pictures needed.  Example: if you know the dragon has been sitting in the Hachette booth, just list "Hachette booth" as one of your answers and you'll be golden.

The pictures will remain on the site until Sunday, June 1st but the contest itself will continue until Friday, June 6th, so you'll have plenty of time to get your answers in.

However, the first person to correctly email all the answers will receive the Grand Prize, as seen below. Two other prize winners will be chosen at random from the correct entries.  Winners will be announced June 8th on the blog.


Two winners will receive a handmade, one of a kind polymer clay dragon in the likeness of a TALON character (Ember, Cobalt, or mystery dragon).  These figurines have been handcrafted by myself specifically for the contest, sealed with protective gloss, and initialed on the bottom.

One Grand prize winner will receive a handmade dragon character and a signed arc of TALON.

That's it!  See you all at BEA in a couple weeks.  Go forth, hunters, and find yourself a dragon.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Giveaway: UK Forever Song

Hey everyone!

 I just got a couple UK editions of The Forever Song, and they are just beautiful.

So let's have a giveaway!  Signed UK copy of The Forever Song, anyone?  You know what to do with the Rafflecopter thingie.  Easy peasy, right?  Yes, it is international.  Go!  =D


Update: Freda is the winner of the UK Forever Song! Congratulations, I will be emailing you shortly. Thanks to all the entries, and I will see you guys next time. :)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday Musings: Some awesome fan art

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to share some absolutely fabulous fan artwork with you today.  Check out these works of awesome by the talented @BlueFeyTrisha.

Wish I could make bookmarks out of these.  @BlueFeyTrisha is the artist, if you want to follow her on Twitter or just tell her what a great job she did.  And, if you're not convinced, check out the full, gorgeous image below.

Yup, that is pretty much perfection.   ^__^  Thanks for letting me share, Trisha!


Friday, May 9, 2014

Dragon Friday: Talon covers and dragon hunts

Happy Dragon Friday!

So, THIS little package of awesome arrived on my doorstep today.  I might've done a happy dance.  A small one.  ^__^

Isn't it purty?  I may or may not have petted it.  Now, I know a lot of you have seen the cover already, but check out what's on the INSIDE.

Isn't that the coolest thing ever?  :D  I love it hard.  I'm so excited for this book, you guys.  I can't wait for everyone to see it.

And speaking of excitement...

BEA (Book Expo America) is almost upon us.  I know several of you are going, and I'm really excited to see everyone there.  I know many cool things will be happening: panels, running into old friends, lots of fabulous authors and, of course, tons of awesome books.  But if you are going to BEA this year, keep an eye out on the floor.  You just might spot something cool.

Yes, the dragons are coming to BEA.  Let the dragon hunt begin!  Ember, Cobalt, and their mystery friend will be lurking around the Javits center the Thursday and Friday of BEA.  They've been hand sculpted by myself and initialed on the bottom, so they are all one of a kind.  If you can find where they are or where they've been, you have a chance to win one of the three pictured above.  One lucky hunter will win a handmade dragon character and a signed Talon arc!  Just remember the hashtag: #BEAdragonhunt.

Rules and details coming soon.  Just wanted to give you guys a head's up; if you're going to BEA this year, be on the lookout for dragons!


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Teaser Tuesday: The last Forever Song teaser

Hey everyone!

Bleh, haven't done a new post in awhile.  Hectic few days.  Anyway, since its Tuesday, why don't we do one final Teaser Tuesday for The Forever Song  But first, the winner of the Forever Song giveaway was:

Joana Alexio.

Congratulations!  If you would email me with your mailing address, I will send you a pretty new signed copy of The Forever Song asap.

And now, the final teaser for The Forever Song.  Those of you who have read the book already, cry with me a little.


"I've searched so long," he whispered.  "So long for a way to atone, to be forgiven for what I caused.  And now, everything has come full circle, as it should. This is my redemption." 


Seems appropriate.  ;-)
