Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Iron Knight sneak peek

So, the cat is out of the bag.

Someone discovered what happened in Iron Knight, so I guess I might as well post it here. It will be on Harlequin's blog and The Iron Queen's Facebook page, too, if you don't believe me.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I might as well get this over with.

WARNING! Spoilers ahead. Do not continue if you don't want to know...

Last chance...




Can't say I didn't warn you.




"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, man, this is my favorite day of the year. HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!" --Puck

"You think that's funny, Goodfellow?"

"Oh, hey, ice-boy. What, you didn't think that was brilliant? Coming back from the dead and all? Hey, put that sword down. It was a joke...crap."

*Runs off with Ash close behind, waving his sword.*

Happy April Fools!


  1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  2. WHAT?! WHAAAAT?!?!?!



  3. April Fool's right?! Please say it ain't so!

  4. what...does that mean?

    oh. no. i haven't even read Iron Knight.

  5. April Fool's Day?

  6. APRIL FOOL's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (better be)

  7. Michele (CanadianTwiMom)April 1, 2011 at 10:18 AM

    That SOOOO better be an April Fool's joke!! lol!!!!! Right??? :P

  8. *hyperventilating* NOOOOOO!!

    April Fools? Please?

  9. You LIE!!!!This can NOT be true!

  10. Happy April fools day???

  11. is the quote real?

  12. *Megan comes in and sees the tombstone*
    Megan: "What? No! This cannot be!?"

    Familar voice: "Of course, princess. It has to happen to everyone, doesn't it?"

    *Megan turns around and sees Puck with a smirk on his face*

    *Megan all fumed*

    Megan: "So you think this is funny, huh? The person that I love is dead?!"

    *Puck shrugs shoulders*

    Puck: "Hrm, he was an okay fellow. You know what they say, there are better fey in the forest."

    Another voice: "Thats not funny thing to say to her. You know she takes everything seriously."

    *Megan's heart leaps as she realizes it's Ash's voice. She turns and finds him standing behind her*

    Ash: "If you ever do that again, I'll make sure that you will never see Nevernever again."

    Puck: "Take it easy Frosty. No need to give me the cold shoulder."

    *Ash stares at Puck coldly, but laughs anyway. Puck grins micheviously and waves to Megan good-bye*

    Puck: Well good-bye to you all and have a Happy April Fools!

    *storms off*

  13. omg best april fool's joke!!!!

    can't wait for the book :D

  14. Lord, I thought my heart was gonna stop! Thank Goddness it's only April Fools!
    I love Ash and Meagan! These books are some of my all time favorites! and I am not a YA
    I'm kinda middle aged....oh well
    I love them anyway!
    Thank You Julie for creating and writting for us!

  15. OMG! My heart actually stoped beating for a minute there! BEST APRIL FOOLS JOKE EVAH!!


    Tina G (goodreads)

  16. i almost had a heart attack!

  17. *giggles insanely* Ash is NOT allowed to die. Meghan needs to stay preoccupied with him, so Puck can get heartsick and I can come make him feel aaaaaall better!
    Why would Ash have a cross on his grave anyway? And shouldn't his body disintegrate like the other winter fey in IQ? (Avoiding the name of the fey, for anyone who hasn't read IQ yet) The other fey froze over and shattered, I believe, so how can Ash have a body?

    Happy May 1st!

  18. :) I LOOOOOOVE this series! Seriously CAN'T WAIT for Iron Knight to come out!!

  19. Darn, I'm too gullible.

    I can't wait for The Iron Knight! And please DON'T kill Ash, even though I'm rooting for Puck :)

  20. o.O...O.O...=O...T^T...-.-'....LMAO!!!!

  21. I totally freaked! That was so not funny!


    Okay, it kind of was, in a mean way, of course.

  22. that was great! i believed it for a second, then realized what today was! :)

  23. Great April Fools! Although I about died myself when I saw it. =( it was great to meet you today! Thanks so much for the Q&A session and signing! It was a great experience for me! =)

  24. HAHAHAHAHA! I knew it! Happy April Fools' Day, Julie!

  25. Ha! I didn't fall for this one! I remembered what happened last year. LOL

  26. I almost believe it!
    it's not funny T_T!!

  27. I've been waiting for Iron Knight, and I got too excited when I read about this blog.
    Then, poof!!! Belated Happy April Fool's Day Julie!

    Nice one :)

    But I still hope it's true *crossfinger*

  28. Heheh that was giving me a broke my heart for a momentum! Great one! ;)

  29. Ha.Ha.Ha. Very funny, Kagawa =.= xD

  30. Death? *Pish* They're fairies in Nevernever, just have Puck pull that egotistical, sword waving, hot piece of fairy prince out of the underworld and get on the friggin' quest :)

  31. JEEZ, YOU SCARED THE LIVING BAJEEZUS OUTTA ME! My heart kinda stopped beating for a few seconds... Phew, calm down... Yeah, I'm okay now.

  32. Haha! You got me going for a minute, despite having just heard you talking about the book last night in Ohio!

  33. @Jessica: She spoke about it in Ohio! Spill!

  34. hahaha i love puck

  35. omgosh! i nearly had a heart attack when I saw this (no jokes). DONT DO THAT TO ME!

  36. I fell for it last year but not this year:)

  37. *put head between knees*
    /can breathe again.

  38. I fell for it... I feel really stupid now... I swear I think I choked on my saliva... Ok that was creepy

  39. oh god, i almost choked on my apple! Yours and Cassandra clare's pranks are the best by far, but don't ever do that again, you scared me to death

  40. I just finished the series and I'd cried. I loved them! I so much want to read Iron Knight and hopefully many more after that.
    Oh, Jeeez wouldn't be great to have made a movie after the Iron series? That would be awesome!

  41. why?????????????? puck u are so mean!

  42. wait what fan site is this

  43. NO! you are joking right? Ash can't die :'(

  44. i read somewhere that ash really dies :(

  45. omg you had me going. I lol'd after I "NOOOO!'d"

  46. NO FLIPPING WAY!!!! That was sooooooo not funny....I almost had a heart attack! Jeeez plz don't scare us like that agin. Ash is the best character in the entire series he IS NOT alowed to die....plz plz plz ;P. I flipped out when I saw that picture so it just can't be real.

  47. ash dies????!!!! oooo ice-boy got it good this time..... did puck kill him..... yay... april fools. o well..... TEAM PUCK FOREVER

  48. omg. i was getin realy freaked out

  49. THAT IS SOOO NOT FUNNY! I dang near had a heart attack! But it's just an April Fool right? (It better be....)Oh well, I guess I will just have to see. GO TEAM ASH!!! YAAA!

  50. that scared me but you know ash can't die so its all good, right?

    how could you do that give you fans Harte attacks and all
    sad but can't wait for iron knight to come out

  51. That freaked me out Ash can't die what about megan I hope puck dosent do that or else XD

  52. that was just mean, clever, but mean

  53. i was freaking out!!! OMG! i love ash and if he dies D: i'm so glad it was only an April fools thing.
    you just LOVE giving us Team Ash girls a heart attack, don't you, Puck? XP lol

  54. coming back from the dead?

  55. I m dead.

    **opens eyes to see if alive**

    no, not dead, but dying.

    **reads on**

    **takes shaky breaths**

    hahahahahahaha! that was awesum! but, seriously, i LITERALLY fainted when i saw that pic. i ACTUALLY thought i was dead....or dying. anyway, good one julie! u are sooo awesum! that was just awesum! i was so...yes, awesum! i cant believe i fell for it!

    anyway, i luv the iron fey series! i m their #1 fan! i no people probably always say that, but i have proof! i started a revolutionary at school with my friends and got students and teachers to choose team ash and puck, started making a team ash website (yes, im team ash. i cant help it! ash is the mostest superiorest ever!! i mean, he is the full package! good looks, he is fit, he is nice, he is a good swordsmen, he is romantic, he is dreamy, he is......where was i? o, yeah....) i also have online fights with friends on team ash and puck. n, i ALWAYS check out the iron fey series from the library, n reread them every day possible. i no every line, part, scene, and mood of every book in the iron fey series. i act out the iron fey series like a play, so, the lines and stuff are good to no. i check ur blog daily. (except 4 this 1 cuz i was on vacation). i look up the cover of the iron knight every day so that i can swoon over it for an hour in my spare time. all 5 books r amazing. i soooooo wish they were a movie!

    IDEA! wut if meghan and ash had a baby?! then luke/fiona (boy and girl names i have picked out for the baby) would have winter, summer, and iron glamour powers!!!!!!!!!!!! that would be....yes, awesum. i tend to say..well,, type awesum a lot. probably since anything even associated with the iron fey series is awesum.

    well, anyway, i cannot wait for october! i am dying for it to come! the iron knight is amazing. i just no it. here are the reasons 4 how i no it will b amazing:
    1) it is the 4th book, n 4 is my fave #
    2) it is from ash's point of view, n i luv ash! (don't get me started on ash again. i could go on 4ever)
    3) it has ash on the cover
    4) it also has puck on it, n even though i m team ash, puck isnt seen as a pic, just meghan
    5) i luv the iroon fey series, so anything related to it gets me hyped up

    anyway, cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sorry, just had to get that out of my system.





    well, back to the regular day of swooning and sighing over the iron fey series.


  57. Sorry I flipped out with all the caps.I love Ash.I was having a nervous breakdown.That was pretty smart Julie.(Looks like Puck is rubbing off on someone)XD

  58. That was the scariest thing....i almost believed that Ash was dead...That was a good joke but can't wait till the book comes out on Oct. 25.....

  59. I have to admit, that really did scare me, but i just laughed it off. I wish "The Iron Knight" didn't have to come out in OCTOBER, i almost lost it when i heard when the date was. I wish it would come out earlier, i honestly cannot wait bare the suspense. It NEEDS to come out earlier, so you can get the second series of The Iron Fey done so i can read them as well. And yes, i have watched the video of the TWO surprises on the facebook fan page. I read the Iron King, Winter's Passage, The Iron Daughter, The Iron Queen, and Summer's Crossing over and over and over, and honestly, im getting a little antsy about The Iron Knight. I DO love this series and all, but i absolutely can't wait a moment longer! The Iron Knight MUST COME OUT SOONER! Besides, i just finished Summer's Crossing, and im starting to wonder of Puck and Meghan will have a chance together? I have SO MANY questions waiting to be answered! I just love the Drama between Meghan, Ash, and Puck. And honestly, i can't really say im on either Ash or Puck's side, i LOVE them BOTH. I just love how in Summer's Crossing, Puck told Queen Titania that Ash fell in love with "His" Princess...Oh i would love to see Meghan's face if she heard him say that, I wonder what she would have said to that?...

    Anyhow, I wish either October would come sooner, or The Iron Knight came out sooner.

    Cannot wait until the day comes, i must say. I am looking forward to reading the Second Series as well! I have to say, this is my FAVORITE book series.

    Also, i would absolutely love it if you gave us a couple spoilers, i simply love them, it gives me a little taste of whats coming at me.

    Well, until October! (Unfortunately) :)

    Yours Truly, A True Iron Fey Fan

  60. I apologize, there is a typo, where it says, "i honestly cannot wait bare the suspense," i meant, "i cannot wait, or hardly bare the suspense"

    Once again, Yours Truly, A True Iron Fey Fan. :)

  61. ooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg! i thought i was gonna freaking die! i could not BELIEVE that ash died. But it was an april fool's joke...right?...right? aaaaaaaaaannyyyyywwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaay, good joke julie! i usually don't trust people but something like that actually got me! *sighs* I guess i'm still 2 gullible. TEAM ASH!!!!

  62. puck, you're cute and funny and everything i love in a guy, but that april fool's joke was CRUEL! i'm totally glad ash chased you with a sword! maybe THAT will teach you to mess with us. (but if it doesn't, then next time I will be the one chasing you with a sword trying to cut your head off. :P) YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS OF ASH BECAUSE MEGHAN FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM AND NOT YOU!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! sorry if that was mean. if you don't hook up with meghan, i'm available!

  63. puck, you're cute and funny and everything i love in a guy, but that april fool's joke was CRUEL! i'm totally glad ash chased you with a sword! maybe THAT will teach you to mess with us. (but if it doesn't, then next time I will be the one chasing you with a sword trying to cut your head off. :P) YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS OF ASH BECAUSE MEGHAN FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM AND NOT YOU!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! sorry if that was mean. if you don't hook up with meghan, i'm available!

  64. PEOPLE! CALM DOWN! DID YOU EVEN BOTHER TO READ THE BOTTOM?!?! It was an April Fools obviously. But it was kind of funny. I have nothing against Ash, in fact, he is my favorite character, but seeing everyone freak WAS funny. Forgive me if that is mean to say but... you know.

    Puck take the jokes down a notch! You don't need to give us all a heart attack!

    Thank you! Ash4ever!

  65. when does the book Iron Knight come out in stores?


  67. ohh.... i get it... i was the commenter right above. so this was april fools.....gosh darnet puck, why do u have to be such a jokster.....I LOVE U ANYWAY!!!

  68. wow. i almost sh*t my pants when i saw the grave :'( thank god its not true. that was a very creative prank! i died laughing after

  69. MY HEART ALMOST STOPPED WHEN I SAW THE TOMBSTONE. HAHAHa PuCK VERY FUNNY. THANK GOODNESS THAT IT waS A JOKE. I DON'T blame ASH for Waving his sword at you puck. nice joke though. I think that deserves an A. Bring the jokes down please. I don't think that Meghan appreciates having her heart stop on a joke. Bring it down a little. I'm pretty sure that you can give almost anyone a heartattack, even Ash or Grimalkin. I gladly chase u wish a sword around the room too! Gosh, I know why Meghan complains about your jokes. You and Ash are my favorite characters by the way. I wish that I was as funny and witty like u, puck. Meghan smack puck on his arm for me gently will you. Keep up the good work. And Ash don't try to strangle puck. He is trying to make everyone happy ( even though he's giving almost everyone a heart attack).

  70. OOMMGG!!!!!!!! So not funny!!!!!!! That was mean. Get him for me Ash. GO TEAM ASH!!!!!

  71. Slap him sooooooo puckin hard!!!!!!!! Ahahahah

  72. Ooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought that I was going to die from shock and sorrow. That was a joke, right? Thir calls for revenge. I almost swallowed my gum!!!!!!

  73. seriosly! i started crying!

  74. i thoughjt i was like going to die

  75. When I saw that picture, I swear my heart stopped for a secod. I couldnt' believe it. I haven't read The Iron Knight yet, and I thought that picture meant that Ash was dead. I was really scared for a second! Anyway, I'm glad that it was a prank.
    Happyy April Fools everybody!

  76. This book was heartbreaking I was in tears by the end of it, I felt really sorry for Ash at some points, Grim as usual put the humor in every situation (where can I get a cat like that??) and seems unconcerned by anything happening around him and Puck is the best friend we all want to have (Cross that I'd rather have him as something else^^) and a thorn in the fey's side.
