I am finally home.
So BEA...how was it? Exhausting, exhilarating, chaotic, noisy, stressful, terrifying, awesome, and fabulous. And since my brain is far too tangled to put the days I spent in NYC into any kind of order, I will give you the highlights.
In no particular order.
Met my fantabulous editor, Natashya Wilson, for the first time! Tashya is smart and funny and down to earth and wonderful and I love her even more now. Also got to hang out with Adam Wilson, another editor o' mine, and he is lovely also. As is my agent Laurie. As is the ENTIRE HARLEQUINTEEN TEAM, whom I met over the course of three days and cannot remember all their names for the life of me. Giselle and Michelle and Janye and everyone else, you were rock stars. Thank you so much for an amazing time!
Went to an awesome pizza place with Tashya and several bloggers I've been dying to see. Including my two Team Ash captains, Gail and Erica, who finally thwarted the universe's determination that we should never meet. The food was great, the company was wonderful, and the pizza lived up to its New York reputation.
I did two signings on Wednesday, and they passed in sort of a mad, chaotic blur. I met so many awesome bloggers, whom I recognized from Twitter, Facebook, their blogs, ect. I can't remember the amount of times I said: "I know you!" or "I read your blog!" Thank you to everyone who came and said hello; I know the lines were insane, but you truly made my afternoon.
Met Lauren Kate (who was lovely) and got my copy of Passion signed. Might have a giveaway sometime later. Snagged a copy of The Scorpio Races by Maggie Steifvater. Won't be having a giveaway of THAT, sorry. :D
Saw the awesome cover reveal for The Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare. Stared at it for awhile, until my agent was forced to drag me away.

Oh, and in the Harlequin Booth, there was a huge wall of The Iron Fey! And a massive Iron Fey banner hung over one of the entrances to the Javits! So awesome!

Saw the Naked Singing Cowboy of Times Square. Don't worry, he wasn't totally nude; he wore boots and a hat and tighty whities. He played the guitar and people put money in his boots. Only in New York, right?
Rode in a stretch limo for the first time. Ate yummy sushi. (Mmmm, sushi.)
Had a fabulous last night at the Harlequin Party in the Kimberly Hotel. Saw the Chrysler building, all lit up at night, and contemplated what an awesome experience this has been. I really hope I get to come back next year.
Came home and slept for 19-ish hours.
I know I've forgotten several key things, but my brain is still recovering so this will have to do. :) Just know that it was a great experience, and I'm so glad I went. Also, I did want to remind you of two things.
1. Summer's Crossing, Puck's e-novella, will be available for download on June 1st!
2. And, we will be revealing the cover for The Iron Knight, the fourth and last book of the Iron Fey series, on June 1st as well. (Trust me when I say you don't want to miss it; the cover is beyond gorgeous.) Details will come later, so be on the lookout for that!
You may commence with the freaking out. ;)