Wow, so I had a HARD time choosing the winners for this one. SO many great trips, outings, dates, ect. I'm sure Puck and Ash are exhausted now. Anyway, I chose my three favorite entries for both Ash and Puck and let do the rest.
And the winners for a signed Iron Knight arc are:

Day with Ash: Jen of Jenuine Cupcakes. Here is her winning entry. (Ash in an apron, *snorts*)

Day with Puck: Chapter Chicks. With her winning entry.
Congratulations to the winners! If you would both email me ( with your addresses, I will send a signed Iron Knight arc winging your way.
Thanks so much, everyone! It was a blast reading these.
Puck: We should do it again sometime. *YAWN* But first, I need a nap. Hey, Cupcake-boy, you still have frosting in your hair. It's kinda cute.
Ash: *Draws sword* Come over here and say that.
Me: Sigh.