The new Iron Fey site is live!
And wow, has HarlequinTEEN outdone itself. Totally, completely, absolutely GORGEOUS. I'm in awe. You really need to see it for yourself. Not only is it REALLY PRETTY, it has lots of other fun things.
Fun things in question:
-Quizzes (What type of fey are you? Summer/Winter/Iron?)
-Downloads (Check out the awesome backgrounds for Team Ash and Puck)
-Never before seen deleted scenes (Including the Extended Balcony scene from Iron Queen, and another scene from Iron Knight with Ash's doppleganger.)
-Ash's Letter to Meghan (If you didn't get to read it before, now's your chance. Ash's final letter to Meghan before the events of The Iron Knight.)
-A blurb of The Immortal Rules, the upcoming post-apocalyptic vampire series.
So, before I begin to sound like an advertisement, I'll just leave you the link and let you check it out yourself. Go here and see the awesome for yourself, and then go onto twitter or Facebook and let @HarlequinTeen know if they did good. :)
ReplyDelete*dies* I didn't even know a site was coming. I love it!
ReplyDeleteYES YES YES YES!! I've been waiting for this day since they announced it on Facebook! It's so awesome that it may be my new favorite site, aside from all the blogs — including this one — that I visit on a regular basis. But that's not the point: YES YES YES YES YES! I HAVE DIED AND GONE TO HEAVEN!
ReplyDeleteSo perfect! Thank you for the page! I'm really excited for this! I love it
ReplyDeleteWow awesome! I'm glad they updated it. gonna check it out now! :D
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it. As soon as I saw it, I saved it to my favs. THANK YOU!!!! I love the quizzes! One of them, the IQ test, didn't load properly, though. Can anyone help? BTW, I am an idiot. I just realized that the reason Ash is in mortal clothes in those pics is because the UnSeelie Court doesn't like faery clothes.
ReplyDeleteP.S. TEAM PUCK FOREVER!!!!!
Awesome! Love this site!
ReplyDeleteTeam Ash forever! I love him. You did a wonderful job at creating his character Kagawa! I am forever grateful! Even though I love Puck too! I hope you make a book for Puck!
What i want is a book that finishes the story after the iron knight, and a movie/movies that almost exactly the same as the series bcuz i hate movies that are different in any way.
DeleteTEAM ASH 4-EVER BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She did. It's called Summer's Crossing. I have it on my Kindle, and if you have a Kindle, it's free, but the audiobook version is like five dollars (I think).
ReplyDeleteP.S. I just finished reading the Iron Queen and I want the Iron Knight so badly it's unbelievable!!
do you know if she made any movies bcuz i bet this wood b a killer movie!!!!!!!!!
DeleteTEAM ASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, but that would be awesome!
REALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCool website!
Thank you! Ash4ever!
Beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. Team AAAAASSSSSHHHHH!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAsh? y'all are crazy, just sayin. i'm a Team Puck, and always will be. Anyway i still can't get the IQ quiz to work. it says "couldn't render this page". is it my computer or the site? i need help!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. TEAM PUCK FOREVER!!!!!
Just got the Iron Knight in the mail on Thursday. I can't wait to get to it!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I knew exactly what I was going to get in all of the polls. I'm an Iron Fey genius, Team Puck, and I'm part of the Summer Court!
Julie, I made some fan-art randomness for Puck. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-es4rKnjai10/Trx5ewHpyPI/AAAAAAAAANo/nIpHPdXcJjE/s1600/avatar.gif
The wings are to be ironic.
I originally blogged the picture:
Sorry for swarming your comments. XD
AHHHHH!!! I'm so frustrated! I can'tget the Iron Fey IQ quiz to work! Julie, please help me. I have been trying and trying and it always says "Can't Render this Page". What do I do??? HELP!!! Is there any other place I can get it?
ReplyDeleteP.S. TEAM PUCK FOREVER!!!!!
Hey Anonymous!I already took the quiz and got a 100%!NO LIE!
ReplyDeleteP.S.TEAM ASH FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!
i <3 Prince Ashallyn'darkmyr Tallyn
ReplyDeletei'm with u there
DeleteYou guys are crazy! Puck is the best, not Ash! I love Puck and how he is so sarcastic. He makes me laugh so hard whenever he teases Ash. I still can't get that quiz to work. Anyway...Go Team Puck! Any Team Puck members out there give me a shoutout!
ReplyDeleteP.S. TEAM PUCK FOREVER!!!!!
what ever! you're clearly blind that prince Ashallayn'darkmyr Tallyn is best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deletep.s. TEAM ASH 4-EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, maybe for Meghan, but Puck is all for me!
Hi, Julie, I'm new to the site, and loved it. Will have to spend some more time enjoying every little piece! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteSuper review of Iron Knight coming on my new, foundling blog in 2 weeks: http://bookishdameyafancifulfiction.blogspot.com
You don't remember, but I was one of your early readers back when your Irons first came out! LOL
Hugs, Deborah/TheBookishDame
Best. Website. EVER!
ReplyDeleteI love love love it!!!
Go Ash!
Go Puck!
Go Julie!
This book was simply beautiful. I had not read any of the Iron Fey series until I heard about this one and then I went through the whole, wonderful series in less than a month. After the ending of The Iron Queen left me sighing I was so glad that I had this one on my computer, just waiting for me. I read it in a single afternoon, reveling in every page of heartbreaking tragedy and irrepressible joy. This is a perfect ending to a perfect series.
ReplyDeletethere's more than just the iron queen as an ending, there's the iron knight and summer's crossing
DeleteGo both boys and julie of course!
can u put in two girls with ash and puck named Sean moore and keilee richmond
DeleteWOW!!! i <3 it
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the series and i cannot wait for the next one
ReplyDeleteTEAM ASH!!!!
OMG i absolutely LOVE the series i've read all of them about 10 times, they are amazing . Does anyone know when the next book is coming out because it will be so cool!!!!!! TEAM ASH!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBtw none of the quizzes here are working can someone please help me???
ReplyDeleteI love Prince Ashallyn'darkmyr Tallyn he is the best
ReplyDeleteteam ash forever
TEAM ASH 4 EVER!!! I love him and he is the best character in the book. (Sry Puck, you're cool too)
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