(Not the real cover)

You do? Excellent! Then you'll want to check out MTV's Hollywood Crush tomorrow (no firm time yet) for the exclusive cover reveal for The Immortal Rules.
Have I already seen the cover? Yes, I have.
Is it awesome? YES. Yes, it is. :D
So bookmark Hollywood Crush or follow them on Twitter @hollywoodcrush to keep up with the excitement.
See you tomorrow!
this is great!! :)The Inmortal Rules!!
ReplyDeleteYay!! I can't wait to see it! This book can't compete with the Iron Fey series, obviously, but it can come close! ;)
ReplyDeleteEviiil!!! I thought you were showing it now! xD
ReplyDeleteWE can't wait to read this!!!!
ReplyDeleteI CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You. Are. Evil. I saw the title of this post in my blog roll, and my heart stopped. And now I have to wait even longer? *shakes fist*
Actually. Scratch that. You wrote a book to hold us off and calm us down while we wait for Ethan. You're forgiven. :)
Ah! Can't wait to read this!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG !!! I CAN NOT wait to see the cover !!!!
ReplyDeleteAniticipation is killing me!!!
Need to see it, need to have it in my hands, and above all, need to read it!!!
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ReplyDeletefor me this is a very very good information
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