Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Forever Song snippet

How about a small FOREVER SONG teaser?  This is part of a snippet in the back of The Iron Traitor.  Warning: it's a bit dark.  Do not read if you're squeamish in any way.     

            The smell of blood grew thicker once we were past the wall, though nothing moved on the narrow path that snaked between houses.  The flimsy wood and tin shanties were silent, dark, as we ventured deeper, passing snow covered porches and empty chairs.  Everything looked intact, undisturbed.  There were no bodies.  No corpses mutilated in their beds, no blood spattered over the walls of the few homes we ducked into.  There weren't even any dead animals in the tiny, trampled pasture past the main strip.  Just snow, and dark, and emptiness.    

            And yet, the smell of blood soaked this place, hanging thick on the air, making my stomach ache and the Hunger roar to life.  I bit it down, clenching my jaw to keep from snarling in frustration.  It had been too long.  I needed food.  The scent of blood was driving me crazy, and the fact that there were no humans here made me furious.  Where were they?  It wasn't possible that an entire outpost of mortals would up and disappear without a trace.

            And then, as we followed the path around the pasture and up to the huge barn at the top of the rise, we found the townspeople.

            A massive, barren tree stood beside the barn, twisted branches clawing at the sky.  They creaked and swayed beneath the weight of dozens of bodies, hanging upside down from ropes tied to the limbs.  Men, women, even a few kids, swinging in the breeze, dangling arms stiff and white.  Their throats had been cut, and the base of the tree was stained black, the blood spilled and wasted in the snow.  But the smell nearly knocked me over regardless, and I clenched my fists, the Hunger raking my insides with fiery talons.        

            "Well," Jackal muttered, crossing his arms and gazing up at the tree, "isn't that festive."  His voice was tight, as if he too, was on the edge of losing it.  "I'm guessing this is the reason we haven't found a single bloodbag from here all the way back to New Covington."  He growled, shaking his head, lips curling back from his fangs.  "This guy is really starting to piss me off."

            I swallowed the Hunger, trying to focus through the gnawing ache.  "Why James, don't tell me you feel sorry for the walking meatsacks," I taunted, because sometimes, goading Jackal was the only thing that kept my mind off everything else.  He snorted and rolled his eyes.
            "No, sister, I'm annoyed because they don't have the decency to be alive so I can eat them."

Allison's final story will be released next spring.  What do you hope will happen in THE FOREVER SONG?



  1. This just makes me crave this even more! Why do I not have this book in my hands now?! ;A; *grabby hands*

  2. Nooooooo, why isn't it out yet??? I WANT it. I NEED it.

  3. I don't think I can wait much longer, but it looks like I'll have to!

  4. Oh, it seems the day will never come...

  5. I hope Smiley get's his other arm cut off. And I hope Zeke lives! He is such a cutiepie!!!!!

    This is my most wanted book for next year!!!!

  7. OMG!!! It sounds so good!!! I can't can't can't wait until it comes out!!! Julie i sent you an email awhile ago, I hope you got it!!!! I love all your books so much!!!!! xD

  8. I agree with the rest... can't wait to get my hands on it!!!!

  9. If Allison dies I am going to cry please don't kill her :*(

  10. I felt like Zeke would end up as a vampire from the very first book, and even more so now that I'm done reading the second. I just hope this happens, though I don't know how Allie will react.
    And I just want her to see how great Jackal is. Because, even if it's true he tends to piss me off sometimes, he's so very funny and... Well, he's Jackal and that's enough to make me love him.
    And yeah, Smiley should get his other arm (as well as the rest of his body) cut off.
    As for Kanin... Well, I like him but I'd like to see a little more of him. After all, he wasn't very present in the first book and mostly dying or beaten up in the second. Not that I'm complaining (your stories are always great), but I'd love to know him more.

    Anyway, thanks so much for your work, Julie. I just love it. I soooo can't wait for to read the end *o*

  11. Ugh I want to finish the book! April hurry up!

  12. KA-MA... KA-MA... HA MA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the point is plz get the book done quickly plzplzplz I want read it over winter break with the game I like to play being hacked and recovering, I AM BORED >:(
