Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Musings: ALA in pictures, Part 1

Hey everyone!

So I'm back from ALA and Vegas and man, what a trip!  I had an awesome time, and took a LOT of pictures.  So many, that I'll have to recap the journey one day at time or the post length will be ridiculous. Also, the the recap will be mostly pictures, hope you guys don't mind.

So, here we go.  Day 1.

 Arriving in Las Vegas

Literally the first thing I saw after stepping off the plane.  Slot machines.  Yup, I am definitely in Vegas.

The gorgeous lobby of the Venetian hotel.

Trying to find my room.  You have to traverse the casino floor to get anywhere in the hotel, including the elevators to the guest rooms.  I took ten steps away from the front desk and immediately got lost.

Finally I found my room.  Quite possibly the biggest hotel room I've stayed in.  I think my sister's apartment in LA is smaller than this.

After I checked in, I went on a quest to find the gondolas, which I heard were in the Venetian somewhere. There was much excitement when I finally tracked them down (on the SECOND floor of the hotel, think about that for a moment.) and I immediately sent out an Instagram post announcing that I HAVE FOUND THE GONDOLAS.

And yes, the ferrymen do sing.

Then I had dinner at Canonita, a restaurant right next to the canal.  This was my view from my table. Watching the gondolas drift by, listening to the ferrymen's haunting voices while sitting in one of the biggest hotels in Vegas: here was the moment where it all felt very surreal.

After dinner, I spent a good hour just exploring the hotel, inside and out.  In case you were wondering, its gorgeous everywhere.

A stretch of ceiling near the entrance.

Lady with a gryphon.

Random volcano erupting across the street.  Turns out, it was part of a show at Treasure island, another giant hotel, otherwise my level of alarm would've been slightly higher.  

I could have explored further.  Even after an hour, there were still parts of the hotel I'd never been to.  But it was late, and even at 10:00 pm it was still 95 degrees outside.  I went back to my room, cranked the AC down to about 65, and fell asleep to the faint sound of drums from Treasure Island.

And that's part 1.  Tomorrow will be part 2:  ALA, stingrays, and Wookies.



  1. That looks amAZING!!!! Everything, to the blue water and the architecture, was gorgeous! Can you please come to Boston? I really want to meet you and you've become such an inspiration for me

  2. I just have to go to that hotel, now. Thanks for sharing those photos and telling us about your stay there, day by day. That way, we'll enjoy it a lot (and thanks for the time you're spending on this for us).

    Nanou-chou, aka Jenasthia.

  3. That is so cool! Thanks for sharing! :D

  4. I love your stories. They have inspired me to write. I want to be an author one day and be able to bring people to places they could only imagine in their heads. When i read your stories i am transported to a new place, and I hope I can do that one day with my own stories. Thank you for bringing the most amazing stories into my life.

  5. you should really write a book all on Kanin's story, like all his history. We dont know much about him and it would be sooo cool to hear about when he meat Jackle and when he sold out the vampires to try to cure to rabansisim (hope i spelled that right). I think many people including me would love to hear Kanin's mysterious story of what happened in the past before Immortal Rules and Allie. Because we have herd snippets but to hear all of it and know why he is the person he was in Immortal Rules would be so cool.

  6. Know what's most-ultra-beautifull, girl? Seventh-Heaven. Lemme tell you bout it. Greetings, earthling. Because I was an actual NDE on the outskirts of the Great Beyond at 15 yet wasn't allowed in, lemme share with you what I actually know Seventh-Heaven's gonna be like for us: meet this ultra-bombastic, ex-mortal-Upstairs for the most-extra-blatant-and-groovy, pleasure-beyond-measure, Ultra-Yummy-Reality-Addiction in the Great Beyond for a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy, eternal-warp-drive you DO NOT wanna miss the sink-your-teeth-in-the-smmmokin’-hot-deal. YES! For God, anything and everything and more! is possible!! Cya soon.

  7. Julie! You need to make a book from Kanins point of view!!

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