Oh yeah, almost forgot today's Teaser Tuesday.
I've not been on the ball, lately. But, since the previous post was about Grimalkin, what say we do another Grimalkin teaser? Oh, and don't forget to check back for the 100 follower contest to win a Grimalkin rock. *see below post.
"Nothing." Grimalkin raised a hind leg and scratched an ear. "Maybe the Nevernever will hold out until the end of the world. Maybe it will disappear in a few centuries. Everything dies eventually, human. Now, if you are quite done with the questions, we should keep moving."
"But if the Nevernever dies, won't you disappear as well?"
"I am a cat," said Grimalkin, as if that explained anything."
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
100 Followers means I paint a rock
Woot! I have 100 followers!
First off, thank you, everyone who followed me. I honestly didn't think I'd reach 100 this fast. You're all fabulous, thank you again. :)
So, I guess this means I should have a contest or something, right? That's the standard procedure with these kind of milestones. Hmmmm, what to give away? I don't have any books yet. And bookmarks seem so dull.
Maybe ... a rock.
Maybe ... a Grimalkin rock.
What's a Grimalkin rock, you ask? Well, Grimalkin is the sarcastic gray cat from THE IRON KING. And, a Grimalkin rock looks like these.

I painted these for my last Grimalkin rock contest. I think its time to do another one, yes? Yep, time to break out the paints and brushes. Keep checking back for your chance to win. :)
First off, thank you, everyone who followed me. I honestly didn't think I'd reach 100 this fast. You're all fabulous, thank you again. :)
So, I guess this means I should have a contest or something, right? That's the standard procedure with these kind of milestones. Hmmmm, what to give away? I don't have any books yet. And bookmarks seem so dull.
Maybe ... a rock.
Maybe ... a Grimalkin rock.
What's a Grimalkin rock, you ask? Well, Grimalkin is the sarcastic gray cat from THE IRON KING. And, a Grimalkin rock looks like these.
I painted these for my last Grimalkin rock contest. I think its time to do another one, yes? Yep, time to break out the paints and brushes. Keep checking back for your chance to win. :)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas
Well everyone, it's Christmas Eve.

I'm sure by this time, most presents have been wrapped and are now under the tree, glittering enticingly as they wait for tomorrow morning to come. By this time, scores of children are dancing with impatience, eagerly looking forward to the chaos of tomorrow. I'm sure the malls are packed with frantic shoppers, boyfriends, and husbands, who are scrambling to get that last elusive gift before time runs out.
My family isn't doing presents this year.
For various reasons, it has become too difficult for several members of the family to do the whole buying present thing. As a result, we've all agreed not to buy everyone gifts. So, this year, there is no tree, no presents, no stockings or decorations. Our living room stands empty, tree-less, except for a tiny, two-foot tree on an end table. My family doesn't have any small children, so there'll be no dissapointment that Santa didn't come this year.
You might be horrified, shocked, appalled, that we're abandoning the whole Christmas traditon of gift exchange, but you know? I'm okay with it. Because Christmas isn't about trees and decorations and presents. It isn't about fighting mall traffic in search of that one popular item that everyone seems to be sold out of. It's not about exchanging gift cards to the exact same store, or buying a generic gift for that one person who seems to have everything. It seems to me that, in the frenzy of buying and spending and the rush to get everyone presents, we've lost sight of what's really important at Christmas, and that is family.
Tommorrow morning, probably around 5 am or earlier, there will be mobs of children dragging their parents out of bed to the tree. Tomorrow morning will usher in the sound of ripping paper and delighted shrieking, as the most anticipated day of the year finally begins full swing. And that's good. I'm happy for everyone. I wish everyone a very merry Christmas full of joy and laughter. But for me, the best gift will be my family, together again for the holidays. We'll have a nice meal, and sit, and talk, and enjoy the day. No gifts, no tree. Just togetherness.
Merry Christmas, everyone.

Julie Kagawa

I'm sure by this time, most presents have been wrapped and are now under the tree, glittering enticingly as they wait for tomorrow morning to come. By this time, scores of children are dancing with impatience, eagerly looking forward to the chaos of tomorrow. I'm sure the malls are packed with frantic shoppers, boyfriends, and husbands, who are scrambling to get that last elusive gift before time runs out.
My family isn't doing presents this year.
For various reasons, it has become too difficult for several members of the family to do the whole buying present thing. As a result, we've all agreed not to buy everyone gifts. So, this year, there is no tree, no presents, no stockings or decorations. Our living room stands empty, tree-less, except for a tiny, two-foot tree on an end table. My family doesn't have any small children, so there'll be no dissapointment that Santa didn't come this year.
You might be horrified, shocked, appalled, that we're abandoning the whole Christmas traditon of gift exchange, but you know? I'm okay with it. Because Christmas isn't about trees and decorations and presents. It isn't about fighting mall traffic in search of that one popular item that everyone seems to be sold out of. It's not about exchanging gift cards to the exact same store, or buying a generic gift for that one person who seems to have everything. It seems to me that, in the frenzy of buying and spending and the rush to get everyone presents, we've lost sight of what's really important at Christmas, and that is family.
Tommorrow morning, probably around 5 am or earlier, there will be mobs of children dragging their parents out of bed to the tree. Tomorrow morning will usher in the sound of ripping paper and delighted shrieking, as the most anticipated day of the year finally begins full swing. And that's good. I'm happy for everyone. I wish everyone a very merry Christmas full of joy and laughter. But for me, the best gift will be my family, together again for the holidays. We'll have a nice meal, and sit, and talk, and enjoy the day. No gifts, no tree. Just togetherness.
Merry Christmas, everyone.

Julie Kagawa
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Iron King Christmas party
Welcome the the first annual Christmas party in Faeryland, hosted by the characters from THE IRON KING. Everyone is invited, so come on in, grab some cider, and relax. Just watch out for the phouka at the card table, unless you want to gamble away your voice or future child. And whatever you do, don't make ask the big gray cat wandering around to do you a favor.

(If you haven't played this type of game before, just leave a comment to get the party started. You and one guest are invited. The guest can be any character from any book: Katniss, Valek, Harry Potter, ect. Just try not to have doubles walking around, that would be awkward. ;-) Other then that, have fun, be creative, and let's see how crazy this party can get. Also, be sure to check back, because this will go on all week.)

Ready? Here we go.
A light snow falls gently outside as you make your way up to the old victorian mansion at the top of the hill. The huge pine tree in the front of the yard is decorated with what appear to be lights, but as you get closer a swarm of piskies take to the air in a buzz of tiny wings, shrieking with laughter. Inside, you step into a large, decorated foyer with a double grand staircase, an open area for dancing, and a magnificent fireplace in the corner. The flames crackle in the hearth, changing color in the dim light: red and gold and green.
Several faeries mill about the room, but its clear that the party has not quite started yet. A troll stands by the long food table, eating cupcakes, and a trio of goblins play cards with a goat headed phouka in the corner. A fluffy gray cat lies curled up in a chair by the fireplace, where a handsome Winter Prince broods into the flames. Puck, his red hair sticking out from beneath a santa hat, is walking around with a sprig of mistletoe held over his head, a mischievious gleam in his eye.

(If you haven't played this type of game before, just leave a comment to get the party started. You and one guest are invited. The guest can be any character from any book: Katniss, Valek, Harry Potter, ect. Just try not to have doubles walking around, that would be awkward. ;-) Other then that, have fun, be creative, and let's see how crazy this party can get. Also, be sure to check back, because this will go on all week.)

Ready? Here we go.
A light snow falls gently outside as you make your way up to the old victorian mansion at the top of the hill. The huge pine tree in the front of the yard is decorated with what appear to be lights, but as you get closer a swarm of piskies take to the air in a buzz of tiny wings, shrieking with laughter. Inside, you step into a large, decorated foyer with a double grand staircase, an open area for dancing, and a magnificent fireplace in the corner. The flames crackle in the hearth, changing color in the dim light: red and gold and green.
Several faeries mill about the room, but its clear that the party has not quite started yet. A troll stands by the long food table, eating cupcakes, and a trio of goblins play cards with a goat headed phouka in the corner. A fluffy gray cat lies curled up in a chair by the fireplace, where a handsome Winter Prince broods into the flames. Puck, his red hair sticking out from beneath a santa hat, is walking around with a sprig of mistletoe held over his head, a mischievious gleam in his eye.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Teaser Tuesday
Another Iron King Teaser Tuesday. This is in honor of Gail, who thinks Ash is swoon-worthy. (I happen to agree, but I could be a little biased.) I'll let you guys decide.
His fingers came up and gently brushed a tear from my cheek, sending a tingle all the way to my toes. I shivered, frightened by the pressure mounting between us, needing to break the tension.
I licked my lips and whispered: "Is this where you say you'll kill me?"
One corner of his lip curled. "If you like," he murmured, a flicker of amusement finally crossing his face. "Though it's gotten far too interesting for that."
Sigh, I love bad boys. So, that's mine. Now its your turn.
His fingers came up and gently brushed a tear from my cheek, sending a tingle all the way to my toes. I shivered, frightened by the pressure mounting between us, needing to break the tension.
I licked my lips and whispered: "Is this where you say you'll kill me?"
One corner of his lip curled. "If you like," he murmured, a flicker of amusement finally crossing his face. "Though it's gotten far too interesting for that."
Sigh, I love bad boys. So, that's mine. Now its your turn.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Holy Bananas, Batman ...
I'm up to 80 followers.

That means I'm 20 away from 100. Woohoo! Guess I'll have to have a contest or something when I get there. Never thought I'd actually get that many in the first place, so wheee.
Less than two months till the release of The Iron King (AAH!), and I'm literally dancing with excitement. Or nerves. One of the two, its hard to tell anymore. Made an Iron King fanpage over on Facebook, so drop by and say hello, start a discussion, whatever. I'd post a link, but links hate me and never work, so its easier to click under "Places I hang out" on the right.
Not much going on, otherwise. Working on two projects at once, both due in February, keeps me extremely busy and hunched over a laptop until my eyes are bulging out of my head. My world has been consumed with plots, characters, and the constant tappity tap of fingers on keys.
Life is good.

That means I'm 20 away from 100. Woohoo! Guess I'll have to have a contest or something when I get there. Never thought I'd actually get that many in the first place, so wheee.
Less than two months till the release of The Iron King (AAH!), and I'm literally dancing with excitement. Or nerves. One of the two, its hard to tell anymore. Made an Iron King fanpage over on Facebook, so drop by and say hello, start a discussion, whatever. I'd post a link, but links hate me and never work, so its easier to click under "Places I hang out" on the right.
Not much going on, otherwise. Working on two projects at once, both due in February, keeps me extremely busy and hunched over a laptop until my eyes are bulging out of my head. My world has been consumed with plots, characters, and the constant tappity tap of fingers on keys.
Life is good.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Agent Appreciation Day!
Today is Agent Appreciation Day (unofficially)!
What is that, you ask? Its a day to honor, support, respect and above all, appreciate our agents and thank them for all they've done for us. (Hm, think we can make this an official holiday? With Hallmark cards and everything? Must ponder this idea; I think it has potential.)
Anyway, what I love about my agent ...
Hm, actually, I'm going to start with "How I met my agent," because that's a day that will live in my memory forever.
I met Laurie McLean, my fabulous agent from Larsen-Pomada Literary Agents, at a writer's workshop in Louisville, KY. The workshop was held at Spaulding University, and after a week of classes and instruction, we would get the chance to pitch our novels to a panel of agents and editors on Saturday. The end of the week was very exciting and nerve wracking; you'd think we were preparing for the arrival of the royalty, the way everyone was talking about it. But to an unpublished writer, an agent is nearly that.
Early Friday morning, before anyone else was up, I walked into the lounge to see a woman I'd never seen before standing in the middle of the room drinking a Coke. I knew it wasn't one of the students, and all the agents and editors flying in later were staying at a hotel. So I had no idea who this person was. Maybe security let someone slip in unnoticed.
"Uh ... hello?" I said intelligently.
"Oh, good morning!" said the strange person, much more cheerful than I would be at seven in the morning. "I'm Laurie McLean."
And at that moment, all the pieces clicked in my brain. "Laurie McLean" sounded awfully familiar, as if I read it somewhere before, like on the schedule. The agents and editors were supposed to be flying in today. The director said something about an agent who was not staying in the hotel, but in the dorms with the students.
Oh crap. This was an agent! I just "Uh helloed" an agent!
And to top it off, I was taking her to lunch that afternoon.
Fortunately, Laurie is one of the nicest people on the planet. We sat in the lounge and talked for several minutes before the rest of the students got wind that an agent was in the building and mobbed the room. I talked to her a bit more at lunch, she asked for a few pages of my novel, and a few weeks later I nearly fell out of my chair when she asked to represent me.
From there, its been a wild and crazy couple years. Getting my book published was--cliched as it is--a dream come true. And I'm so grateful to Laurie for giving me a chance, for answering all my questions, for having my back when I knew absolutely nothing about the buisness.
So, thank you, Laurie McLean. Thanks for being so nice to that dubious asian girl in the lobby. If Hallmark suddenly decides to make a "Thank You, Literary Agent" line, you can bet your desk would be covered with cards and flowers every year, most of them from me.

Julie Kagawa
The Iron King
Also, check out more Agent Love here.
Wow, what a long and awesome list. Keep it growing!
What is that, you ask? Its a day to honor, support, respect and above all, appreciate our agents and thank them for all they've done for us. (Hm, think we can make this an official holiday? With Hallmark cards and everything? Must ponder this idea; I think it has potential.)
Anyway, what I love about my agent ...
Hm, actually, I'm going to start with "How I met my agent," because that's a day that will live in my memory forever.
I met Laurie McLean, my fabulous agent from Larsen-Pomada Literary Agents, at a writer's workshop in Louisville, KY. The workshop was held at Spaulding University, and after a week of classes and instruction, we would get the chance to pitch our novels to a panel of agents and editors on Saturday. The end of the week was very exciting and nerve wracking; you'd think we were preparing for the arrival of the royalty, the way everyone was talking about it. But to an unpublished writer, an agent is nearly that.
Early Friday morning, before anyone else was up, I walked into the lounge to see a woman I'd never seen before standing in the middle of the room drinking a Coke. I knew it wasn't one of the students, and all the agents and editors flying in later were staying at a hotel. So I had no idea who this person was. Maybe security let someone slip in unnoticed.
"Uh ... hello?" I said intelligently.
"Oh, good morning!" said the strange person, much more cheerful than I would be at seven in the morning. "I'm Laurie McLean."
And at that moment, all the pieces clicked in my brain. "Laurie McLean" sounded awfully familiar, as if I read it somewhere before, like on the schedule. The agents and editors were supposed to be flying in today. The director said something about an agent who was not staying in the hotel, but in the dorms with the students.
Oh crap. This was an agent! I just "Uh helloed" an agent!
And to top it off, I was taking her to lunch that afternoon.
Fortunately, Laurie is one of the nicest people on the planet. We sat in the lounge and talked for several minutes before the rest of the students got wind that an agent was in the building and mobbed the room. I talked to her a bit more at lunch, she asked for a few pages of my novel, and a few weeks later I nearly fell out of my chair when she asked to represent me.
From there, its been a wild and crazy couple years. Getting my book published was--cliched as it is--a dream come true. And I'm so grateful to Laurie for giving me a chance, for answering all my questions, for having my back when I knew absolutely nothing about the buisness.
So, thank you, Laurie McLean. Thanks for being so nice to that dubious asian girl in the lobby. If Hallmark suddenly decides to make a "Thank You, Literary Agent" line, you can bet your desk would be covered with cards and flowers every year, most of them from me.

Julie Kagawa
The Iron King
Also, check out more Agent Love here.
Wow, what a long and awesome list. Keep it growing!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Teaser Tuesday
Haven't been keeping up on Teaser Tuesdays lately. I blame the holidays. And deadlines. And NaNo. But, I'm back, and so here is today's Iron King teaser, featuring Meghan and everyone's favorite favor-collecting feline, Grimalkin.
"You knew," I accused him as he sat down and licked a paw. "You knew who I was all along. That's why you agreed to take me to Puck--you were hoping to blackmail Oberon."
"Blackmail," said Grimalkin, blinking languid yellow eyes, "is a barbaric word."
That's today's teaser. What's yours?
Haven't been keeping up on Teaser Tuesdays lately. I blame the holidays. And deadlines. And NaNo. But, I'm back, and so here is today's Iron King teaser, featuring Meghan and everyone's favorite favor-collecting feline, Grimalkin.
"You knew," I accused him as he sat down and licked a paw. "You knew who I was all along. That's why you agreed to take me to Puck--you were hoping to blackmail Oberon."
"Blackmail," said Grimalkin, blinking languid yellow eyes, "is a barbaric word."
That's today's teaser. What's yours?
Friday, December 4, 2009
A journey through Faeryland
Was bored, so I thought I'd post some pictures of what you might encounter in my upcoming novel, The Iron King. As most of you know, The Iron King is a faery story. But, these faeries aren't like this:

No, they're more like this:

Props to you if you can guess them all. In fact, I think I'll make a contest of it. Guess them all correctly, and I'll send you a signed Iron King bookmark. (Be sure to include your email addy so I can contact you.) I'll run this contest until the end of December, and I won't even make you do anything else. Course, feel free to tweet or post this if you want. It would make me smile. And the faery in the first picture won't come for you. ;-)
ETA: Silly me. Forgot to add: email me your list at juliekagawa@juliekagawa.com instead of putting it in the comment section where everyone can see. The brain, sometimes she no work so well. >_<
Was bored, so I thought I'd post some pictures of what you might encounter in my upcoming novel, The Iron King. As most of you know, The Iron King is a faery story. But, these faeries aren't like this:

No, they're more like this:

Props to you if you can guess them all. In fact, I think I'll make a contest of it. Guess them all correctly, and I'll send you a signed Iron King bookmark. (Be sure to include your email addy so I can contact you.) I'll run this contest until the end of December, and I won't even make you do anything else. Course, feel free to tweet or post this if you want. It would make me smile. And the faery in the first picture won't come for you. ;-)
ETA: Silly me. Forgot to add: email me your list at juliekagawa@juliekagawa.com instead of putting it in the comment section where everyone can see. The brain, sometimes she no work so well. >_<
Monday, November 30, 2009
Done with book three of the Iron Fey trilogy! Done with The Iron Queen! Woo! HAHA! *runs in circles and falls over* I'm doooooooooooooooooooooooone!
At least until rewrites, that is.
Sigh. Ain't no rest for the wicked. (Great song, by the way. Its by Cage the Elephant, if you're wondering. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t99bpilCKw )
Whew. Well, that's it for me for now. I didn't get quite to 50k for NaNo, but hey, I finished a book. I think that's pretty good. ;) How'd everyone else do?
Done with book three of the Iron Fey trilogy! Done with The Iron Queen! Woo! HAHA! *runs in circles and falls over* I'm doooooooooooooooooooooooone!
At least until rewrites, that is.
Sigh. Ain't no rest for the wicked. (Great song, by the way. Its by Cage the Elephant, if you're wondering. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t99bpilCKw )
Whew. Well, that's it for me for now. I didn't get quite to 50k for NaNo, but hey, I finished a book. I think that's pretty good. ;) How'd everyone else do?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thanksgiving break
Happy early Turkey Day!

Tomorrow morning I am embarking on an 8 hour excursion to distant Virginia to visit with my other family for Thanksgiving. (The family with the eight neices and nephews, ack!) I probably won't be seen until I get back, which won't be for a week, so I want to wish everyone a happy holiday, and I'll see you all soon.

Tomorrow morning I am embarking on an 8 hour excursion to distant Virginia to visit with my other family for Thanksgiving. (The family with the eight neices and nephews, ack!) I probably won't be seen until I get back, which won't be for a week, so I want to wish everyone a happy holiday, and I'll see you all soon.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
OMG, still ... laughing .. hahahaha!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Run Neo, the NaNo has you.
You know NaNo Wrimo has you when:
-You're sick as a dog and you wish your head would explode already, but you still try to get to the computer to bash out your word quota. This does not go well.
-But you still try, because you know taking a ONE DAY break will make you fall behind. 1700 words behind. That's 1700 words you'll have to tack onto the next day's quota, for a massive total of 3400 words.
-You have a small heart attack.
-You try to sleep, but have nightmares about missing deadlines and not being able to deliver the book on time to your publisher, becuase you skipped ONE DAY.
-You feel your laptop has betrayed you because it doesn't have a way you can talk and have it type. From bed. Heavily medicated.
-You seriously consider training your cat to type for you.
Agg. Going back to bed, now. Just typing this amount of words is making my eyeballs scream. Tomorrow I must start again. I must type 3400 words tomorrow to keep up with the life-consuming monster called NaNo Wrimo.
Or teach my cat to write it for me.

Then again ...
-You're sick as a dog and you wish your head would explode already, but you still try to get to the computer to bash out your word quota. This does not go well.
-But you still try, because you know taking a ONE DAY break will make you fall behind. 1700 words behind. That's 1700 words you'll have to tack onto the next day's quota, for a massive total of 3400 words.
-You have a small heart attack.
-You try to sleep, but have nightmares about missing deadlines and not being able to deliver the book on time to your publisher, becuase you skipped ONE DAY.
-You feel your laptop has betrayed you because it doesn't have a way you can talk and have it type. From bed. Heavily medicated.
-You seriously consider training your cat to type for you.
Agg. Going back to bed, now. Just typing this amount of words is making my eyeballs scream. Tomorrow I must start again. I must type 3400 words tomorrow to keep up with the life-consuming monster called NaNo Wrimo.
Or teach my cat to write it for me.

Then again ...
Monday, November 16, 2009
After months of waiting, sitting on pins and needles and pulling my hair with impatience, my FINAL final cover is finally here, and I get to show it to the world!
Soooooooooo, for your viewing pleasure ...
*Cue drumroll*
The cover for THE IRON KING! (Please scroll down)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, isn't it gorgeous? I am in love with it! And I'm so happy that I finally have something to show everyone. YAY! Woo! *Gasps for breath*
Now I must lie down.
ETA: Also, check out Sharon's review of The Iron King at http://www.sharonlovesbooksandcats.com/2009/11/iron-king-by-julie-kagawa.html
Thanks, Sharon!
After months of waiting, sitting on pins and needles and pulling my hair with impatience, my FINAL final cover is finally here, and I get to show it to the world!
Soooooooooo, for your viewing pleasure ...
*Cue drumroll*
The cover for THE IRON KING! (Please scroll down)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, isn't it gorgeous? I am in love with it! And I'm so happy that I finally have something to show everyone. YAY! Woo! *Gasps for breath*
Now I must lie down.
ETA: Also, check out Sharon's review of The Iron King at http://www.sharonlovesbooksandcats.com/2009/11/iron-king-by-julie-kagawa.html
Thanks, Sharon!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Cover blues can be cured with sniper rifles
NaNo Wrimo and Borderlands continue to consume my life.
If I haven't been seen anywhere lately, it is because of these two things. Mornings and afternoons are dedicated to bashing out 1700 words to keep up with my NaNo quota, which is gradually sucking out my brain like a hungry illithid. (Random D&D lore, there. I do not apologize.)

Evenings are spend traversing the planet of Pandora with my hubby, shooting bandits, scags, and colonies of spider-ants. Partly, this is to give my overworked brain a rest: nothing more relaxing than sniping a bad guy from 100 yards and watching his head explode. But mostly it is just fun.

Still no word on my Final final cover, and the delay is making me a bit jumpy. We're less than three months to the release date and I still don't have a cover I can show the world, yet. Argh! I envy the authors whose books come out in like, June, and they have a shiny cover they can post on their site. Sigh. Oh well, nothing I can do but leave it in the hands of the publishing world.
I'll be back soon, I hope. Come December, my third book will be DONE, and I will celebrate by hibernating until 2010. For now, though, its back to 1700 words and sniping spider-ants.
If I haven't been seen anywhere lately, it is because of these two things. Mornings and afternoons are dedicated to bashing out 1700 words to keep up with my NaNo quota, which is gradually sucking out my brain like a hungry illithid. (Random D&D lore, there. I do not apologize.)

Evenings are spend traversing the planet of Pandora with my hubby, shooting bandits, scags, and colonies of spider-ants. Partly, this is to give my overworked brain a rest: nothing more relaxing than sniping a bad guy from 100 yards and watching his head explode. But mostly it is just fun.

Still no word on my Final final cover, and the delay is making me a bit jumpy. We're less than three months to the release date and I still don't have a cover I can show the world, yet. Argh! I envy the authors whose books come out in like, June, and they have a shiny cover they can post on their site. Sigh. Oh well, nothing I can do but leave it in the hands of the publishing world.
I'll be back soon, I hope. Come December, my third book will be DONE, and I will celebrate by hibernating until 2010. For now, though, its back to 1700 words and sniping spider-ants.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Teaser Tuesday
Hey everyone. NaNo is going well for me; I've been able to get over 1700 words done a day, which is a little over the required wordage to complete the challenge on time. So, since I have a little leeway, I thought I'd terrify you with an Iron King teaser this week. Warning: its kinda creepy! Easily frightened people should look away now. :)
I'm serious.
You've been warned ...
Ethan stood there, his face blue and wrinkled, his lips pulled into a rictus grin. In one hand, he clutched a butcher knife. Blood spattered his hands and face.
"Mommy slipped," he whispered, and plunged the knife into my leg.
I'm serious.
You've been warned ...
Ethan stood there, his face blue and wrinkled, his lips pulled into a rictus grin. In one hand, he clutched a butcher knife. Blood spattered his hands and face.
"Mommy slipped," he whispered, and plunged the knife into my leg.

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!

And a huge thank you to everyone who participated in A Very Faery Interview. I had a lot of fun, and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Taking a haitus from interviews for now, but hopefully I can start them again sometime in the future.
In other news, tomorrow is the first official day of NaNo Wrimo. If, like me, you have signed up for this month long fiasco, let me start by saying AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
No, bad writer! I meant to say, WE CAN DO IT! It can be done. This is my second NaNo and I have proof that a book can be written in a mere 30 days. Let me throw an even more encouraging thought out there: The book that I wrote for my last NaNo Wrimo went on to be published. So, who knows what you might do this November? And just think, by this time NEXT month, you will have a finished book.
That said, the number of blog posts might dwindle dramatically in the next 30 days, as every drop of creative juice in my brain will be sucked out by NaNo. At the end of the day, I might not have the creative energy to write a greeting card. So if I'm a bit MIA next month, just wait until November is done and I promise I'll be back.
That's it for me! By this time tomorrow I'll be NaNoing. Good luck to everyone out there, and have a safe and happy Halloween.

And a huge thank you to everyone who participated in A Very Faery Interview. I had a lot of fun, and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Taking a haitus from interviews for now, but hopefully I can start them again sometime in the future.
In other news, tomorrow is the first official day of NaNo Wrimo. If, like me, you have signed up for this month long fiasco, let me start by saying AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
No, bad writer! I meant to say, WE CAN DO IT! It can be done. This is my second NaNo and I have proof that a book can be written in a mere 30 days. Let me throw an even more encouraging thought out there: The book that I wrote for my last NaNo Wrimo went on to be published. So, who knows what you might do this November? And just think, by this time NEXT month, you will have a finished book.
That said, the number of blog posts might dwindle dramatically in the next 30 days, as every drop of creative juice in my brain will be sucked out by NaNo. At the end of the day, I might not have the creative energy to write a greeting card. So if I'm a bit MIA next month, just wait until November is done and I promise I'll be back.
That's it for me! By this time tomorrow I'll be NaNoing. Good luck to everyone out there, and have a safe and happy Halloween.
Friday, October 30, 2009
NaNo Wrimo and unicorns
Well, I did it. I signed up for NaNo this November. I don't know why this fills me with a looming sense of dread; I did NaNo a couple years back and got a published book out of it, so that alone should tell me I might be onto something. I suppose its because I went all official and signed up on NaNo's official website. The other time I just picked the month of September and did my own personal little NaNo month, where the only ones who knew were my agent and husband. Being an official participant is so much more ... official. I'm being pressured to perform by thousands of other Wrimos who are writing their novels and doing so much better than me, ahhhhhhh!
I know, I know. It shouldn't be any different than before. Perhaps its the amount of NaNo talk on Twitter thats getting me all aflutter. Perhaps I should stop playing around online and just focus on my writing. Perhaps I shouldn't listen to the Twitter talk and lock myself away in a safe isolated bubble until Christmas.
And perhaps unicorns will burst in my door, wave their magic horns, and complete my novel for me.
I know, I know. It shouldn't be any different than before. Perhaps its the amount of NaNo talk on Twitter thats getting me all aflutter. Perhaps I should stop playing around online and just focus on my writing. Perhaps I shouldn't listen to the Twitter talk and lock myself away in a safe isolated bubble until Christmas.
And perhaps unicorns will burst in my door, wave their magic horns, and complete my novel for me.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Limmerick Wednesday (and a bad puppy)
Look what I found under my coffee table today.

Yes, that is toilet paper, and yes, that is my soon-to-be-dead papillon Stitch, who looks completely unconcerned to be caught IN THE ACT, with a camera!
Arg. Bad puppy.
Anyway, moving on. I'm changing the post title from Waiting on Wednesday, to Limmerick Wednesday, because it seems more appropriate. Also, the voices inside my head told me to.
Ahem. Today's pick:
Fallen by Lauren Kate

Luce lives at the Sword and Cross,
a school for the troubled and lost.
When she catches the eye
of a mysterious guy,
she could never imagine the cost.
Really looking forward to this one. It looks so dark! And I love dark.
And so do the voices in my head, shhhhhhhh! :P
Yes, that is toilet paper, and yes, that is my soon-to-be-dead papillon Stitch, who looks completely unconcerned to be caught IN THE ACT, with a camera!
Arg. Bad puppy.
Anyway, moving on. I'm changing the post title from Waiting on Wednesday, to Limmerick Wednesday, because it seems more appropriate. Also, the voices inside my head told me to.
Ahem. Today's pick:
Fallen by Lauren Kate

Luce lives at the Sword and Cross,
a school for the troubled and lost.
When she catches the eye
of a mysterious guy,
she could never imagine the cost.
Really looking forward to this one. It looks so dark! And I love dark.
And so do the voices in my head, shhhhhhhh! :P
Monday, October 26, 2009
Teaser Tuesday
Dum dum dummmmmm, another Teaser Tuesday is upon us. No requests this week, so I get to choose what teaser to post. Hmmmm, the options. Think I'll go with: this one ...
A girl's face hovered over mine, blond hair brushing my cheeks, wide green eyes both anxious and curious. Her skin was the color of summer grass, and tiny scales gleamed silver around her neck. She grinned, and her teeth flashed as sharp and pointed as an eel's.

Eh heh heh. Okay, that's this week's Teaser. Now its your turn.
A girl's face hovered over mine, blond hair brushing my cheeks, wide green eyes both anxious and curious. Her skin was the color of summer grass, and tiny scales gleamed silver around her neck. She grinned, and her teeth flashed as sharp and pointed as an eel's.

Eh heh heh. Okay, that's this week's Teaser. Now its your turn.
Friday, October 23, 2009
A Very Faery Interview with Ravenous Reader
Ravenous Reader Interview
Another Very Faery Interview (getting tired of them yet?), this time with the hungry Ravenous Reader from A Lush Budget Production. Okay, guys, you know the drill: the characters from THE IRON KING—Meghan, Ash, and Puck—will ask the questions, and hopefully not scare our poor blogger to death. Okay, you three, its all yours.
Meghan: Okay, here we go. So Nancy, inquiring minds want to know: how did you get into blogging, and why? How long have you been at it, and is there anything you wished you did differently when you started?
RR: Hiya! *waves hello* Before I get started I wanted to say thank you, for wanting to interview little ole’ me I began blogging a few years ago and on occasion I would review some of the books that I would read. My BFF knew that I read a lot of books and asked me if I had a book that my twelve-year-old godchild might enjoy. The only YA books that I had read at the time were those of the Twilight Saga. I gave her my books and within a few days she had read them all and wanted more. I really had no idea where to go from there so I went to many bookstores and began checking out YA book blogs and review sites for some guidance. I soon had a plethora of books of which I began to read for my own enjoyment. That interest combined with my blogging was the jumping off point for me to begin my YA book blog. And so I created A Lush Budget Production: Tales of a Ravenous Reader blog and now I am here Meeting wonderful authors and readers alike. I totally love it.
As for doing things differently, I totally cringe at some of my earlier posts but think it is all part of the growing process. I constantly evolve and change things, trying to find a balance that pleases me and those that visit my blog. It has been an interesting ride and I hope to keep changing and getting better as time passes.
Puck: Ravenous Reader, huh? So, what would you do if all your books suddenly attacked and tried to eat you? (Not that I’d have anything to do with it.) Would you spare them because they were books, or would you torch them all?
RR: Yikes!! I would probably run screaming and try to figure out a way to save myself and my books. While the temptation to destroy them would be strong I could never cause them any harm. I adore my books to much. I treat them like my they’re my babies. So no roasting parties with my beloved books.
Ash: I sense a theme in eating coming up. *Shakes head* Anyway, what are some of your favorite books and authors? What kind of book do you prefer; fantasy, contemporary, ect.?
RR: Where do I begin? I have so many books that I love. I am a big paranormal/fantasy fan but in the last few months I have developed an appreciation for contemporary novels. I am a huge sucker for an amazing story that has a romantic edge to it, ahhh romance.
My favorite reads, hmmm…boy this is going to be hard I will give my top five in each and in no particular order.
Authors: J.R. Ward, Kristin Cashore, Melissa Marr, Libba Bray and Suzanne Collins
Books: The Hunger Games, Graceling, City of Glass, New Moon and Rebel Angels
Meghan: Do you have any pets? And if you don’t, what kind of pet do you wish you had?
RR: I have quite a few pets, first of my precious Pomeranian named Liberty, she was born on 9/11. Then I have 3 Cats named Smokey, Ash and Tazzy. Last but not least a white dove named Blanca
Puck: Haha, hey Ash, you’re a kitty cat.
Ash: *Ignores*
Puck: What’s your favorite reading snack? Also, if you suddenly had to eat ONE THING for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
RR: My favorite reading snack is TWERPS a fabulous candy of yumminess that is being discontinued. Thank goodness that my absolute favorite food that I could eat for the rest of my life is Pizza. I love the stuff and it is not going anywhere except my tummy.
Ash: If you could learn anything you wanted—a skill, a language, a particular secret—what would it be?
RR: I wish that I could speak any language so that I could be able to communicate with anyone. My job requires me to interact with some people that do not speak English and I would love to assist them better. I also think this gift would greatly help me when I would travel. I would never have to rely on someone else to assist me.
Meghan: Tell us something about yourself that no one else knows.
RR: That you can open any book that I have read and get a glimpse into my life. I always leave the receipt inside the book and then any event that I attended during the course of reading that book. i.e. movie tickets, book marks, BART pass, playbill are all safely tucked inside. They why’s about this custom I have truly no idea, but it gives me a sense of comfort when I re-open a book and can see a bit of a memory coming back to me.
Puck: Okay! There are three doors. Behind door number one is a man-eating unicorn. Behind door number two is a starving werewolf. Behind door number three is a swarm of hungry Cornish pixies. You have to pick a door to open, but you get to choose any weapon you want. Sooooo … which door do you open, and what will you take into battle?
RR: Yowza! This question is a doozie. What door to choose? A Unicorn, werewolf and pixies and they all seem hungry. Not a very promising scenario, but I think I might go for the man-eating unicorn behind door number one because I am a woman and thus the Unicorn would not have any interest in eating me. Right??? *fingers crossed* As for a weapon, I believe that I would want a shield that was strong enough to block any horned attacks in case my theory of man-eating and not woman-eating unicorns proved incorrect.
Ash: You’re facing a Zombie Apocalypse. The undead are beating down your doors and you must flee to safety, but can only take three things with you. What are they?
RR: Having just seen Zombieland I would want to have
1) My favorite pair of Nike shoes (CARDIO)
2) A loaded gun (don’t forget the double tap) not that I condone the use of guns, but when you are being hunted by flesh eating humans your priorities and ideals kinds change, ya know.
3) Twinkies. I love my sugar and I would need to keep up my strength.
Author: Thank you, Ravenous Reader, for being here today. You’ve been a great sport. Is there anything you would like to ask Meghan, Ash, or Puck?
RR: Well thank you for having me over. I have truly enjoyed the experience. Before I go I would like to know if any of you know how to cast a spell that would suck a character right out of my TV set? I seem to have a mad crush on Damon Salvatore from the Vampire Diaries. I know it is dangerous considering what an evil fanger he is but if he could learn to play nice I think I could bring him home to meet the rents
Puck: Ooooh, I’ve never thought of that before. I wonder …
Author: Don’t EVEN think about it, Puck.
Thanks for the interview!
*curtsies* Thank you!!
Another Very Faery Interview (getting tired of them yet?), this time with the hungry Ravenous Reader from A Lush Budget Production. Okay, guys, you know the drill: the characters from THE IRON KING—Meghan, Ash, and Puck—will ask the questions, and hopefully not scare our poor blogger to death. Okay, you three, its all yours.
Meghan: Okay, here we go. So Nancy, inquiring minds want to know: how did you get into blogging, and why? How long have you been at it, and is there anything you wished you did differently when you started?
RR: Hiya! *waves hello* Before I get started I wanted to say thank you, for wanting to interview little ole’ me I began blogging a few years ago and on occasion I would review some of the books that I would read. My BFF knew that I read a lot of books and asked me if I had a book that my twelve-year-old godchild might enjoy. The only YA books that I had read at the time were those of the Twilight Saga. I gave her my books and within a few days she had read them all and wanted more. I really had no idea where to go from there so I went to many bookstores and began checking out YA book blogs and review sites for some guidance. I soon had a plethora of books of which I began to read for my own enjoyment. That interest combined with my blogging was the jumping off point for me to begin my YA book blog. And so I created A Lush Budget Production: Tales of a Ravenous Reader blog and now I am here Meeting wonderful authors and readers alike. I totally love it.
As for doing things differently, I totally cringe at some of my earlier posts but think it is all part of the growing process. I constantly evolve and change things, trying to find a balance that pleases me and those that visit my blog. It has been an interesting ride and I hope to keep changing and getting better as time passes.
Puck: Ravenous Reader, huh? So, what would you do if all your books suddenly attacked and tried to eat you? (Not that I’d have anything to do with it.) Would you spare them because they were books, or would you torch them all?
RR: Yikes!! I would probably run screaming and try to figure out a way to save myself and my books. While the temptation to destroy them would be strong I could never cause them any harm. I adore my books to much. I treat them like my they’re my babies. So no roasting parties with my beloved books.
Ash: I sense a theme in eating coming up. *Shakes head* Anyway, what are some of your favorite books and authors? What kind of book do you prefer; fantasy, contemporary, ect.?
RR: Where do I begin? I have so many books that I love. I am a big paranormal/fantasy fan but in the last few months I have developed an appreciation for contemporary novels. I am a huge sucker for an amazing story that has a romantic edge to it, ahhh romance.
My favorite reads, hmmm…boy this is going to be hard I will give my top five in each and in no particular order.
Authors: J.R. Ward, Kristin Cashore, Melissa Marr, Libba Bray and Suzanne Collins
Books: The Hunger Games, Graceling, City of Glass, New Moon and Rebel Angels
Meghan: Do you have any pets? And if you don’t, what kind of pet do you wish you had?
RR: I have quite a few pets, first of my precious Pomeranian named Liberty, she was born on 9/11. Then I have 3 Cats named Smokey, Ash and Tazzy. Last but not least a white dove named Blanca
Puck: Haha, hey Ash, you’re a kitty cat.
Ash: *Ignores*
Puck: What’s your favorite reading snack? Also, if you suddenly had to eat ONE THING for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
RR: My favorite reading snack is TWERPS a fabulous candy of yumminess that is being discontinued. Thank goodness that my absolute favorite food that I could eat for the rest of my life is Pizza. I love the stuff and it is not going anywhere except my tummy.
Ash: If you could learn anything you wanted—a skill, a language, a particular secret—what would it be?
RR: I wish that I could speak any language so that I could be able to communicate with anyone. My job requires me to interact with some people that do not speak English and I would love to assist them better. I also think this gift would greatly help me when I would travel. I would never have to rely on someone else to assist me.
Meghan: Tell us something about yourself that no one else knows.
RR: That you can open any book that I have read and get a glimpse into my life. I always leave the receipt inside the book and then any event that I attended during the course of reading that book. i.e. movie tickets, book marks, BART pass, playbill are all safely tucked inside. They why’s about this custom I have truly no idea, but it gives me a sense of comfort when I re-open a book and can see a bit of a memory coming back to me.
Puck: Okay! There are three doors. Behind door number one is a man-eating unicorn. Behind door number two is a starving werewolf. Behind door number three is a swarm of hungry Cornish pixies. You have to pick a door to open, but you get to choose any weapon you want. Sooooo … which door do you open, and what will you take into battle?
RR: Yowza! This question is a doozie. What door to choose? A Unicorn, werewolf and pixies and they all seem hungry. Not a very promising scenario, but I think I might go for the man-eating unicorn behind door number one because I am a woman and thus the Unicorn would not have any interest in eating me. Right??? *fingers crossed* As for a weapon, I believe that I would want a shield that was strong enough to block any horned attacks in case my theory of man-eating and not woman-eating unicorns proved incorrect.
Ash: You’re facing a Zombie Apocalypse. The undead are beating down your doors and you must flee to safety, but can only take three things with you. What are they?
RR: Having just seen Zombieland I would want to have
1) My favorite pair of Nike shoes (CARDIO)
2) A loaded gun (don’t forget the double tap) not that I condone the use of guns, but when you are being hunted by flesh eating humans your priorities and ideals kinds change, ya know.
3) Twinkies. I love my sugar and I would need to keep up my strength.
Author: Thank you, Ravenous Reader, for being here today. You’ve been a great sport. Is there anything you would like to ask Meghan, Ash, or Puck?
RR: Well thank you for having me over. I have truly enjoyed the experience. Before I go I would like to know if any of you know how to cast a spell that would suck a character right out of my TV set? I seem to have a mad crush on Damon Salvatore from the Vampire Diaries. I know it is dangerous considering what an evil fanger he is but if he could learn to play nice I think I could bring him home to meet the rents
Puck: Ooooh, I’ve never thought of that before. I wonder …
Author: Don’t EVEN think about it, Puck.
Thanks for the interview!
*curtsies* Thank you!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I, ninja
If you didn't know, I am a ninja.

No, really, I am. Don't believe me? Here are the reasons why.
1. I'm half-Japanese
2. I know how to say "I'll kill you!" in Japanese.
3. I own several katana. (And some ninja stars.)
4. I'm a huge fan of Naruto, and I think Sasuke is way sexy.
5. I can turn into a log.
So, anyway, the point of this post is to say that Liyana is holding an awesome ninja contest on her blog, and giving away cool ninja merchandise.
So if you fancy yourself a ninja-in-training, hop on over and enter.
Oh, and by the way, ninjas are WAY cooler than pirates!

*Turns into a log*

No, really, I am. Don't believe me? Here are the reasons why.
1. I'm half-Japanese
2. I know how to say "I'll kill you!" in Japanese.
3. I own several katana. (And some ninja stars.)
4. I'm a huge fan of Naruto, and I think Sasuke is way sexy.
5. I can turn into a log.
So, anyway, the point of this post is to say that Liyana is holding an awesome ninja contest on her blog, and giving away cool ninja merchandise.
So if you fancy yourself a ninja-in-training, hop on over and enter.
Oh, and by the way, ninjas are WAY cooler than pirates!

*Turns into a log*
Borderlands review
This is my rant where I sing the praises of a video game instead of a book. Because, while I love books in all their bookish glory, there's something so fulfilling about actually getting to control the protaganist's actions. Therefore, when said hero acts like a twit or gets his/herself into trouble, you can at least try to rectify the situation, instead of screaming "Don't do that, you moron!" at the pages of a book, as if the hero will suddenly hear the voice of God shrieking at them from somewhere overhead and do something sensible. I realize this is why I became an author: I might have a bit of a god complex and it frustrates me to no end when I can't reach into the pages of the book and give the protaganist a good smack upside the head for being stupid.
Anyway, moving on. This week's game of choice: Borderlands.

Borderlands is a first person shooter that combines the elements of an RPG. Think Fallout 3 meets Oblivion. I could go on about the cool cell-shaded technology and the leveling system and the online four person storymode, but all you need to know is that the game kicks @$$. There's no complex plot, no having to rescue your sibling/child/significant other, no having to save a kingdom from an evil demon sorceror. Here is the extent of the plot: you're a fortune hunter; kill stuff, get loot, level up. And there's something thrown in about some lost alien technology and a mysterious vault somewhere on the planet, but again, you're looking for it cause you're a treasure hunter and nothing else.
The game is obviously visually gorgeous. As for the heroes themselves, you get to choose from four fairly typical arctypes: soldier, sniper, brick, and sexy female. The Wasteland planet is huge, and filled bandits, alien life, and all sorts of persistantly aggressive bad guys that you get to shoot. And to help you with this, there are literally millions of guns; sniper rifles, pistols, shotguns, revolvers, you name it. You recieve quests from the planet's eccentric settlers, or from the job board in the middle of town, and quests are basically "go here, kill stuff," or "go here, collect stuff, kill stuff," very much like an MMO. Quests are segregated by level, and you'd better be the level they suggest, otherwise you will get an important part of your body handed to you on a platter. Make no mistake; you will die, and die often, but there are handy spawning points scattered throughout the land, AND baddies don't respawn health or friends if you're killed, so you can literally keep coming back to pick away at them until they die.

And, much like an MMO, this game is addicting. My husband and I played it together (another reason I love it; splitscreen!) for five hours last night and barely noticed the time until it was two in the morning. I recommend it to any hard-core gamer, or anyone looking for a violent, fun, free for all. And anyone who tells me violent video games make people more violent better shut up or I'll kill them. :P
Anyway, moving on. This week's game of choice: Borderlands.

Borderlands is a first person shooter that combines the elements of an RPG. Think Fallout 3 meets Oblivion. I could go on about the cool cell-shaded technology and the leveling system and the online four person storymode, but all you need to know is that the game kicks @$$. There's no complex plot, no having to rescue your sibling/child/significant other, no having to save a kingdom from an evil demon sorceror. Here is the extent of the plot: you're a fortune hunter; kill stuff, get loot, level up. And there's something thrown in about some lost alien technology and a mysterious vault somewhere on the planet, but again, you're looking for it cause you're a treasure hunter and nothing else.
The game is obviously visually gorgeous. As for the heroes themselves, you get to choose from four fairly typical arctypes: soldier, sniper, brick, and sexy female. The Wasteland planet is huge, and filled bandits, alien life, and all sorts of persistantly aggressive bad guys that you get to shoot. And to help you with this, there are literally millions of guns; sniper rifles, pistols, shotguns, revolvers, you name it. You recieve quests from the planet's eccentric settlers, or from the job board in the middle of town, and quests are basically "go here, kill stuff," or "go here, collect stuff, kill stuff," very much like an MMO. Quests are segregated by level, and you'd better be the level they suggest, otherwise you will get an important part of your body handed to you on a platter. Make no mistake; you will die, and die often, but there are handy spawning points scattered throughout the land, AND baddies don't respawn health or friends if you're killed, so you can literally keep coming back to pick away at them until they die.

And, much like an MMO, this game is addicting. My husband and I played it together (another reason I love it; splitscreen!) for five hours last night and barely noticed the time until it was two in the morning. I recommend it to any hard-core gamer, or anyone looking for a violent, fun, free for all. And anyone who tells me violent video games make people more violent better shut up or I'll kill them. :P
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday limmerick
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Teaser Tuesday
Teaser Tuesday again. For those who are curious, every Tuesday I post a short teaser from my upcoming novel, The Iron King (www.juliekagawa.com). Last week, Liyana posted a request for this week's teaser. And, since Liyana requested, Liyana gets. She wanted to see a scene with Ash and Meghan, soooooo ....
"What will happen then?"
Ash stepped closer. His fingers came up to brush the hair from my face, sending an electric shock through me from my spine to my toes. His cool breath ticked my face as he leaned in.
"I'll kill you," he whispered.
That's this week's teaser, now show me yours!
"What will happen then?"
Ash stepped closer. His fingers came up to brush the hair from my face, sending an electric shock through me from my spine to my toes. His cool breath ticked my face as he leaned in.
"I'll kill you," he whispered.
That's this week's teaser, now show me yours!
Friday, October 16, 2009
A Very Faery Interveiw with Reverie Book Reviews
Time for a new installment of A Very Faery Interview, this time with the lovely Vania of Reverie Book Reviews. This time, it’s even more special, because it’s Vania’s birthday this month; Happy Birthday, Vania! Meghan, Ash, Puck, take it away. (And Vania, do not accept any gifts from Puck, no matter what he offers.)
Meghan: Hi Vania, and Happy Birthday. How old is your blog, and what has been the best and worst parts of blogging?
My blog’s having its (over) half a year blogaversary. So excited! /I love everything about blogging but what I enjoy most if getting to talk to everyone about books. I love discussing books with the bloggers and I have gotten to know some of them because of our shared love of books. The worst? Not being able to read and blog enough. I am always running out of time.
Puck: What would you choose: having to eat birthday cake for every single meal for the rest of your life, or living your birthday over and over again forever?
As much as I love sugary goodness I think I will die of diabetes if I eat cake every day for every meal. So I pick living my birthday. Who wouldn’t love getting presents every day??
Ash: Who are some of your favorite authors and books? What kind of books do you enjoy reading the most?
Gosh… that’s so not a fair question. Can I plead the fifth? I will say that I love fantasy and paranormal and there are some GREAT books out there and coming up that I love!
Meghan: If you could have any gift, regardless of money, space, or time, what would it be?
Ummm unlimited vacations so I can travel and explore the world? I love traveling so I think that would be the one thing I can never have but would LOVE to be able to do more of one day when I graduate and can actually make some sort of living. HA!
Puck: Halloween is just around the corner! Costumed pirates, witches, and werewolves are filling the streets. Now, imagine if everyone—by some freak accident that I had absolutely no part in—suddenly thought they were the character they dressed up as. What would you be, and what would you do?
Really, Puck… I kinda don’t trust you. If I got stuck as say Katsa from the HUNGER GAMES at least I’ll know I’ll be cunning and smart enough to outwit my opponent like maybe say.. you??
Ash: What are some of your goals for the upcoming year?
I am hoping to be able to work towards finishing school and finding work but most of all I hope for many more opportunities to take pictures and do art.
Meghan: Tell us a little about your photography, since it seems to be a big part of your life. What are some of your favorite things to photograph? What would be your perfect picture?
I LOVE taking pictures of people. I think they have so much to say and their expressions and body language is unlimited. The perfect picture? WOW umm I don’t think that’s possible…
Puck: Okay, Vania, I have presents for you! But you have to choose which one you want, gift A or gift B. Which one do you want?
*Gift A: A large, pink box with holes drilled in the sides that shakes and growls. Black smoke drifts out the holes.*
*Gift B: *A large blue bottle with a bow attached, plugged with a cork. Inside, many small things fly and swirl around frantically.*
PUCK!!! Seriously DUDE! What’s with the scary gifts? I am considering the blue bottle though….. what will the little swirly things inside do if I let them out??
Puck: What, these? They’re just harmless little Cornish pixies. They’ll grant you a wish if you let them out.
Ash: And then they’ll eat you.
Puck: That’s just an old superstition. I think. Look at them, though! They’re so cute with their tiny little wings and hands and … sharp pointed teeth. Uh, maybe I should put these guys awa—Oops!”
Puck: Uh oh.
Vania: *Runs and hides in the closet* TELL ME WHEN THEY’RE SAFELY AWAY! *Clutches a broom*
Author: *Joins Vania in the closet.* I’m going to kill him for this. Anyway, thank you, Vania, for the lovely interview. And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! You’ve been great.
Puck: *From beyond the closet door.* AH! Get away from me! Stupid pixies! Oh, great, now the dragons’ loose! ASH! A little help, here?
Ash: Not a chance.
Author: *facepalm*
Meghan: Hi Vania, and Happy Birthday. How old is your blog, and what has been the best and worst parts of blogging?
My blog’s having its (over) half a year blogaversary. So excited! /I love everything about blogging but what I enjoy most if getting to talk to everyone about books. I love discussing books with the bloggers and I have gotten to know some of them because of our shared love of books. The worst? Not being able to read and blog enough. I am always running out of time.
Puck: What would you choose: having to eat birthday cake for every single meal for the rest of your life, or living your birthday over and over again forever?
As much as I love sugary goodness I think I will die of diabetes if I eat cake every day for every meal. So I pick living my birthday. Who wouldn’t love getting presents every day??
Ash: Who are some of your favorite authors and books? What kind of books do you enjoy reading the most?
Gosh… that’s so not a fair question. Can I plead the fifth? I will say that I love fantasy and paranormal and there are some GREAT books out there and coming up that I love!
Meghan: If you could have any gift, regardless of money, space, or time, what would it be?
Ummm unlimited vacations so I can travel and explore the world? I love traveling so I think that would be the one thing I can never have but would LOVE to be able to do more of one day when I graduate and can actually make some sort of living. HA!
Puck: Halloween is just around the corner! Costumed pirates, witches, and werewolves are filling the streets. Now, imagine if everyone—by some freak accident that I had absolutely no part in—suddenly thought they were the character they dressed up as. What would you be, and what would you do?
Really, Puck… I kinda don’t trust you. If I got stuck as say Katsa from the HUNGER GAMES at least I’ll know I’ll be cunning and smart enough to outwit my opponent like maybe say.. you??
Ash: What are some of your goals for the upcoming year?
I am hoping to be able to work towards finishing school and finding work but most of all I hope for many more opportunities to take pictures and do art.
Meghan: Tell us a little about your photography, since it seems to be a big part of your life. What are some of your favorite things to photograph? What would be your perfect picture?
I LOVE taking pictures of people. I think they have so much to say and their expressions and body language is unlimited. The perfect picture? WOW umm I don’t think that’s possible…
Puck: Okay, Vania, I have presents for you! But you have to choose which one you want, gift A or gift B. Which one do you want?
*Gift A: A large, pink box with holes drilled in the sides that shakes and growls. Black smoke drifts out the holes.*
*Gift B: *A large blue bottle with a bow attached, plugged with a cork. Inside, many small things fly and swirl around frantically.*
PUCK!!! Seriously DUDE! What’s with the scary gifts? I am considering the blue bottle though….. what will the little swirly things inside do if I let them out??
Puck: What, these? They’re just harmless little Cornish pixies. They’ll grant you a wish if you let them out.
Ash: And then they’ll eat you.
Puck: That’s just an old superstition. I think. Look at them, though! They’re so cute with their tiny little wings and hands and … sharp pointed teeth. Uh, maybe I should put these guys awa—Oops!”
Puck: Uh oh.
Vania: *Runs and hides in the closet* TELL ME WHEN THEY’RE SAFELY AWAY! *Clutches a broom*
Author: *Joins Vania in the closet.* I’m going to kill him for this. Anyway, thank you, Vania, for the lovely interview. And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! You’ve been great.
Puck: *From beyond the closet door.* AH! Get away from me! Stupid pixies! Oh, great, now the dragons’ loose! ASH! A little help, here?
Ash: Not a chance.
Author: *facepalm*
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
My Lonely Little Arc
Teaser Tuesday
Hi again. First off, I'd like to thank everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes I received yesterday; you guys rock! So, thank you everybody! Tis Tuesday, therefore tis teaser time. (Say that five times fast, I dare you). Today, we learn why its never a good idea to piss off a faery queen.
I felt my legs getting longer, thinner, my fingers turning into cloven hooves. I screamed again, but what left my throat was the agonized bleat of a deer.

Now its your turn to post a non-spoilery teaser from your current read. And, if you have requests for next week's teaser, just put them in the comments and I'll try to oblige. :)
I felt my legs getting longer, thinner, my fingers turning into cloven hooves. I screamed again, but what left my throat was the agonized bleat of a deer.

Now its your turn to post a non-spoilery teaser from your current read. And, if you have requests for next week's teaser, just put them in the comments and I'll try to oblige. :)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A very sushi birthday!
Hey everyone! No Faery Interview this week (cause I was bad and lazy and didn't get questions out to anyone), but I was celebrating a birthday this weekend so I'll use that as an excuse. :) Last night I went to Longhorn Steakhouse (Mmm!), then to Borders to pick up a copy of Ballad. But Borders, staying true to its tradition of never having books out on their release date, didn't have it in yet. So I picked up a copy of the Everafter, instead.

I also got a copy of Mini Ninjas for the PS3.

I love this game so far! Think "Tenchu Assassins" meets "Super Mario Brothers." Apparently, its really short, and I'm kinda sad that it isn't longer, but other than that its amazing and funny and just plain fun, which is what a game is supposed to be. I highly recommend it.
Tonight, continuing the birthday extravaganza, we're going out for sushi with my parents, and the day after THAT we're going to the zoo and then to Sake Blue for ... you guessed it ... even MORE sushi!

If you can't tell, I looooooooove sushi! I also want this cake.

I also got a copy of Mini Ninjas for the PS3.

I love this game so far! Think "Tenchu Assassins" meets "Super Mario Brothers." Apparently, its really short, and I'm kinda sad that it isn't longer, but other than that its amazing and funny and just plain fun, which is what a game is supposed to be. I highly recommend it.
Tonight, continuing the birthday extravaganza, we're going out for sushi with my parents, and the day after THAT we're going to the zoo and then to Sake Blue for ... you guessed it ... even MORE sushi!

If you can't tell, I looooooooove sushi! I also want this cake.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Interview with Grimalkin
Recently, I was interviewed by the wonderful Sharon of sharonluvsbooksandcats, but I wasn't the only one. She also interviewed Grimalkin, the clever, favor-collecting cat from my book THE IRON KING. (I had to promise Grimalkin a favor to get him to do it.) Interview is as follows:
Welcome to my very first cat and author interview post. For my very first catterview I would like to welcome young adult author Julie Kagawa and the cat from her debut novel The Iron King, Grimalkin. To learn more about Julie and her debut novel check out her website.
This is how Julie described Grimalkin to me:
Grimalkin: Big, longhaired gray cat with golden eyes. He's actually a Cait Sith (pronounced cat shee), which is a type of faery cat. He can be somewhat condescending and arrogant, and thinks cats are vastly superior to anything else. His favorite trick is turning invisible (much like the Cheshire Cat), and has the habit of vanishing abruptly when you're not looking. He looks out for himself, and will not put himself in danger if he can help it, but he knows more about Faeries and Faeryland than almost anyone. But his help usually comes with a price; Grimalkin is big on collecting favors, and has many, many creatures who owe him something.
Other than that, he is a normal cat. He likes napping in the sun, chasing small creatures, and other feline activities. Don't try to pet him, though, or you might recieve a swat.
1. Describe a typical day in your life in five sentences or less.
Grimalkin: *Yawn* I wake up. I eat. I sleep. I contemplate the state of the universe and then sleep some more. I snack. Sometimes, if I am feeling devilish, I will even consider a nap. Exciting life, is it not?
2. Do you have any other Cait Sith pals, or are you a solitary cat?
Grimalkin: I do not have “pals,” human. And I find my own company vastly superior to anyone else's.
3. What is your favorite thing to eat?
I am rather partial to freshly caught piskie. If you can get past the piskie dust and stringiness, they are surprisingly tasty. I have always wondered what Tinker Bell would taste like.
4. Can I please adopt you?
*Snorts* Adopt? As in, claim ownership of me? What a ridiculous notion; no one can own a cat. I will consider an application of servitude, however, if your credentials pass inspection.
5. Do you think that you could beat the Cheshire Cat in a fight?
Please. Where do you think Lewis Carroll got the idea for the Cheshire Cat? I found him wandering around Faerie one day in a daze, about to be eaten by ogres, and led him back to the mortal realm. In return, he put me in a book. Crazy mortal.
And now, it is time for my nap. Goodnight, human. If you have anymore questions, please do not hesitate to ask my human over there. She will take notes.
1. Describe a typical day in your life in five sentences or less
Wake up. Check email. Get breakfast. Check Twitter, contemplate writing. Bang head on desk, plead with characters to do something interesting, stare into space, check email, write a few sentences, erase what I just wrote, sigh, rinse and repeat.
2. Are you glad that Grimalkin is just a fictional cat, or would you like to adopt him too?
Oh good god. He would drive me insane. And I'd be in debt up to my eyeballs, trying to meet his demands. He could probably take over the world, if wasn't such a hassle.
3. Do you think that you could beat Grimalkin in a fight?
Grimalkin doesn't fight, but he does have “friends” that owe him a favor. (dragons, trolls, goblins, ect.) I wouldn't want to risk it.
4. Can I adopt you please? ;)
Just provide me with Arbys and an unlimited supply of Mountain Dew and I'll be happy.
Welcome to my very first cat and author interview post. For my very first catterview I would like to welcome young adult author Julie Kagawa and the cat from her debut novel The Iron King, Grimalkin. To learn more about Julie and her debut novel check out her website.
This is how Julie described Grimalkin to me:
Grimalkin: Big, longhaired gray cat with golden eyes. He's actually a Cait Sith (pronounced cat shee), which is a type of faery cat. He can be somewhat condescending and arrogant, and thinks cats are vastly superior to anything else. His favorite trick is turning invisible (much like the Cheshire Cat), and has the habit of vanishing abruptly when you're not looking. He looks out for himself, and will not put himself in danger if he can help it, but he knows more about Faeries and Faeryland than almost anyone. But his help usually comes with a price; Grimalkin is big on collecting favors, and has many, many creatures who owe him something.
Other than that, he is a normal cat. He likes napping in the sun, chasing small creatures, and other feline activities. Don't try to pet him, though, or you might recieve a swat.
1. Describe a typical day in your life in five sentences or less.
Grimalkin: *Yawn* I wake up. I eat. I sleep. I contemplate the state of the universe and then sleep some more. I snack. Sometimes, if I am feeling devilish, I will even consider a nap. Exciting life, is it not?
2. Do you have any other Cait Sith pals, or are you a solitary cat?
Grimalkin: I do not have “pals,” human. And I find my own company vastly superior to anyone else's.
3. What is your favorite thing to eat?
I am rather partial to freshly caught piskie. If you can get past the piskie dust and stringiness, they are surprisingly tasty. I have always wondered what Tinker Bell would taste like.
4. Can I please adopt you?
*Snorts* Adopt? As in, claim ownership of me? What a ridiculous notion; no one can own a cat. I will consider an application of servitude, however, if your credentials pass inspection.
5. Do you think that you could beat the Cheshire Cat in a fight?
Please. Where do you think Lewis Carroll got the idea for the Cheshire Cat? I found him wandering around Faerie one day in a daze, about to be eaten by ogres, and led him back to the mortal realm. In return, he put me in a book. Crazy mortal.
And now, it is time for my nap. Goodnight, human. If you have anymore questions, please do not hesitate to ask my human over there. She will take notes.
1. Describe a typical day in your life in five sentences or less
Wake up. Check email. Get breakfast. Check Twitter, contemplate writing. Bang head on desk, plead with characters to do something interesting, stare into space, check email, write a few sentences, erase what I just wrote, sigh, rinse and repeat.
2. Are you glad that Grimalkin is just a fictional cat, or would you like to adopt him too?
Oh good god. He would drive me insane. And I'd be in debt up to my eyeballs, trying to meet his demands. He could probably take over the world, if wasn't such a hassle.
3. Do you think that you could beat Grimalkin in a fight?
Grimalkin doesn't fight, but he does have “friends” that owe him a favor. (dragons, trolls, goblins, ect.) I wouldn't want to risk it.
4. Can I adopt you please? ;)
Just provide me with Arbys and an unlimited supply of Mountain Dew and I'll be happy.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Publishers Lunch on FTC
Publisher's Lunch on the new FTC regulations.
Today's Meal
FTC Requires Bloggers, Posters, and the Companies Who Woo Them to Disclose Free Review Copies
The Federal Trade Commission officially revised its "guides" which govern endorsements and testimonials, aimed squarely at the universe of online and word-of-mouth recommendations. The new rules have all the clarity you would expect from an 81-page government document, and in many instances they are either opaque, noxious or just ridiculous (the FTC wants disclosure within tweets as well).
The main point of essence for book publishers, and book bloggers and online reviewers, is the determination that "bloggers may be subject to different disclosure requirements than reviewers in traditional media." They judge that "a blogger's statement on his personal blog or elsewhere (e.g., the site of an online retailer of electronic products) qualifies as an 'endorsement,' -- i.e., as a sponsored message -- due to...the value of the merchandise he has received and has been asked to review by that advertiser," and that such a connection must be disclosed.
In other words, bloggers--as well as "reviewers" posting to sites like Amazon and LibraryThing, or receiving books through programs ranging from Bzz Agent to Nelson's 10,000-blogger initiative--who are writing about a book after receiving a free reviewer's copy are expected to disclose that information. And publishers who "sponsor these endorsers (either by providing free products - directly or through a middleman - or otherwise) in order to generate positive word of mouth and spur sales should establish procedures to advise endorsers that they should make the necessary disclosures and to monitor the conduct of those endorsers."
As the FTC admits, its "guides" are "interpretations of the law intended to help advertisers comply with the Federal Trade Commission Act" rather than binding law, and the burden of proof is on the Commission--but they have the ability to seek fines of up to $11,000 per violation. Monitoring the internet and enforcing the new guides will also be difficult to say the least, given the agency's staff and size of the universe they wish to regulate. As Wired writes, "the new rules are confusing, ambiguous and likely unenforceable in the real world."
The FTC's Richard Cleland tells Ed Champion in an e-mail interview that "looking at individual bloggers is not going to be an effective enforcement model." (Legally, we're not sure whether selective enforcement weakens the FTC's case in any given instance.) Cleland indicates that if a blogger or online reviewer gives away the book after reviewing it, then no disclosure is required since in their view the reviewer has no lasting compensation. But the new guides do also apply to affiliate bookselling links that provide a commission. Cleland's indication is that enforcement will target advertisers as well as large platforms.
I think that's fairly encouraging.
Today's Meal
FTC Requires Bloggers, Posters, and the Companies Who Woo Them to Disclose Free Review Copies
The Federal Trade Commission officially revised its "guides" which govern endorsements and testimonials, aimed squarely at the universe of online and word-of-mouth recommendations. The new rules have all the clarity you would expect from an 81-page government document, and in many instances they are either opaque, noxious or just ridiculous (the FTC wants disclosure within tweets as well).
The main point of essence for book publishers, and book bloggers and online reviewers, is the determination that "bloggers may be subject to different disclosure requirements than reviewers in traditional media." They judge that "a blogger's statement on his personal blog or elsewhere (e.g., the site of an online retailer of electronic products) qualifies as an 'endorsement,' -- i.e., as a sponsored message -- due to...the value of the merchandise he has received and has been asked to review by that advertiser," and that such a connection must be disclosed.
In other words, bloggers--as well as "reviewers" posting to sites like Amazon and LibraryThing, or receiving books through programs ranging from Bzz Agent to Nelson's 10,000-blogger initiative--who are writing about a book after receiving a free reviewer's copy are expected to disclose that information. And publishers who "sponsor these endorsers (either by providing free products - directly or through a middleman - or otherwise) in order to generate positive word of mouth and spur sales should establish procedures to advise endorsers that they should make the necessary disclosures and to monitor the conduct of those endorsers."
As the FTC admits, its "guides" are "interpretations of the law intended to help advertisers comply with the Federal Trade Commission Act" rather than binding law, and the burden of proof is on the Commission--but they have the ability to seek fines of up to $11,000 per violation. Monitoring the internet and enforcing the new guides will also be difficult to say the least, given the agency's staff and size of the universe they wish to regulate. As Wired writes, "the new rules are confusing, ambiguous and likely unenforceable in the real world."
The FTC's Richard Cleland tells Ed Champion in an e-mail interview that "looking at individual bloggers is not going to be an effective enforcement model." (Legally, we're not sure whether selective enforcement weakens the FTC's case in any given instance.) Cleland indicates that if a blogger or online reviewer gives away the book after reviewing it, then no disclosure is required since in their view the reviewer has no lasting compensation. But the new guides do also apply to affiliate bookselling links that provide a commission. Cleland's indication is that enforcement will target advertisers as well as large platforms.
I think that's fairly encouraging.
Teaser Tuesday
This week's Teaser Tuesday is at the request from Sharonluvsbooksandcats. She wanted a Grimalkin teaser. So, here it is:
"W-What do you want?" I asked, thankful that my voice only trembled a little bit.
The cat didn't blink. "Human," he said, and if a cat could sound patronizing, this one nailed it. "Think about the absurdity of that question."
Sharon is also going to be interviewing me and Grimalkin soon, so be on the lookout for that! Should be ... interesting.
"W-What do you want?" I asked, thankful that my voice only trembled a little bit.
The cat didn't blink. "Human," he said, and if a cat could sound patronizing, this one nailed it. "Think about the absurdity of that question."
Sharon is also going to be interviewing me and Grimalkin soon, so be on the lookout for that! Should be ... interesting.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Random Sunday pic of my furkids
My sissified, wimpy princess of a papillon has decided he hates the cold and shivers when he has to go out in it. So for the first time ever, I've had to buy a COAT for the little wuss. Me, a professional dog trainer for years, who sneered at dogs wearing clothes and laughed at the pampered little yip dogs wearing matching outfits with their owners. Now, its MY dog who has to wear a coat. I don't know whether to laugh of put my head in a bag. It doesn't help that Stitch seems ridicuously pleased when he's wearing it.

It even has a fur ring around the collar. Sigh. I hear the cats and Dodger snickering behind my back.
My sissified, wimpy princess of a papillon has decided he hates the cold and shivers when he has to go out in it. So for the first time ever, I've had to buy a COAT for the little wuss. Me, a professional dog trainer for years, who sneered at dogs wearing clothes and laughed at the pampered little yip dogs wearing matching outfits with their owners. Now, its MY dog who has to wear a coat. I don't know whether to laugh of put my head in a bag. It doesn't help that Stitch seems ridicuously pleased when he's wearing it.
It even has a fur ring around the collar. Sigh. I hear the cats and Dodger snickering behind my back.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
A Very Faery Interview with Liyana of Liyanaland
A Very Faery Interview with Liana from Liyanaland
We’re back again, with a YA blogger that comes to us from the far reaches of Singapore! Please welcome Liyana from Liyanaland, who has graciously agreed to be the next victim/volunteer for a round of insane questioning by Meghan, Ash, and Puck, the characters from THE IRON KING. (Liyana, the panic button is by your left foot, just in case)
Hi Julie! Thanks for having me here. I’m not sure if I can reach that panic button, this armor, I meant protection, I MEANT SUIT, is pretty clunky. Lemme try. *stretches, panic button goes off* Whoops! Whoa, is that supposed to happen?
Puck: Huh. The lazer beams were a nice touch.
Meghan: Hi Liyana. Wow, you live in Singapore? How intriguing. Are there any cool, exotic places in Singapore you’ve been to? Or some you would like to visit?
Hi Meghan, it’s great to finally meet you! You know, after living in Singapore all these years, the cool, exotic places just don’t seem that cool anymore. One place I love to visit is Clarke Quay. There’s the Merlion, riverboats, hot guys on riverboats, the sun, river, shopping malls all around… ooh.
Let's go down to the riverside, it's an unforgettable sight
To see the sunrise on a faraway isle, turning darkness into light
Puck: Selamat Datang, Lianna. Apa Khabar? Di mana tandas?
Author: I don’t think she speaks Malay, Puck.
Puck: No? *consults Malay dictionary* Saya minta maaf.
Author: PUCK!
Puck: Okay, okay. Liyana, if you could suddenly understand and communicate with one type of animal (dogs, cats, chickens), what would it be?
Puck, saya faham Bahasa Melayu! (I understand the Malay language… in Malay. LOL)*hi fives* I’d love to be able to communicate with my hamsters and find out what they mean when they’re looking at me with those big googley eyes. Or maybe that’s just what they mean. O.O
Ash: When did you first get into blogging, and why? What has been the best and worst part of blogging?
In March this year. It’s due to my huge TBR list that just seemed to be increasing. Talking about books has always been fun, so I just decided to open up an actual blog to yap about them! The best part is writing what you feel about the books, which can be construed as the worst part too, especially when you think of authors getting hurt by harsh reviews.
Meghan: What are some of your favorite books, authors, and genres? Do they get the same books in Singapore as they do in the States?
One of my favourite YA series is Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. It has a kickass, badass heroine. As for genres, I love paranormal and fantasy. Reading about something that doesn’t seem to exist (…or does it? Jeng jeng jeng!) in real life is really the best part for me.
For books sold in Singapore, the range is not as wide, and they’re usually sold sometime after its release date, but at least they’re being sold here!
Puck: Okay, Liyana, I’m going to throw out a series of words, and you tell me the first thing that comes to mind. And then I will tell you something about yourself. Got it? Here we go.
Blue: Pink
Socks: Furry!
Rain: Mist
Scary: Movie 3
Winter: Clean, white snow.
Furry: Hamsters
Vampire: Diaries
Favorite: Character
Puck: You? :P
Puck: Huh, I was hoping to get a Puck: Handsome. Or maybe a Puck: Sexy. Or a Puck: Incredibly charming devilish rake who I would love to meet for a virgin daiquiri later to—ow! *Rubs head, glares at Meghan.*
Meghan: I saw that bottle of faery wine you snuck in here, Puck. Don’t even think about it.
Ash: If you could learn one skill, regardless of time or money, what would it be?
It’d have to be wakeboarding. Or horse-riding! Whoo hoo! *gets on a horse and twirls cowgirl hat*
Meghan: If you were suddenly sucked into a book, which book would you choose and what would you do in the story?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I’d probably be the one making harry lost in the maze. *snickers*
Puck: Someone has given you a time-travel device, but it can only be used once: one trip into the future or past, and back again. What do you use it for?
I can’t think of anything right now, so I’ll just save it until I find a use for it sometime in the future. :D
Ash: The Zombie Apocalypse has come. The undead are filling the streets in hordes and you must flee to safety, but can only take three things with you. What are they?
1) Ash, you can use a sword right? I know you’re not a “thing” but can I bring you?
2) A flamethrower that will never run out.
3) (My loved ones shrunk to Barbie doll size in) A suitcase full of tiny holes.
Author: Thanks, Liyana for the interview. Before we go, is there anything you’d like to ask Meghan, Ash, or Puck?
Who do you think will win in a deathmatch: Julie or Puck?
Puck: Oh, that’s easy! I’d just change her into a mouse, then change myself into a cat. End of story.
Author: Sorry Goodfellow. Those rules don’t apply to your creator. I know all your weaknesses.
Puck: Ah, hate to break it to you, but this guy called Willy Shakespeare made me famous loooong before you came along. Even you don’t know all my tricks.
Author: Don’t tempt me. I brought you into this world, I can take you out again.
Puck: Bring it on, chica.
Author: Oh, that’s it. WHERE’S MY KATANA?
Ash: *To Meghan and Liyana* My money’s on katana girl.
Meghan: I’ll get the popcorn.
We’re back again, with a YA blogger that comes to us from the far reaches of Singapore! Please welcome Liyana from Liyanaland, who has graciously agreed to be the next victim/volunteer for a round of insane questioning by Meghan, Ash, and Puck, the characters from THE IRON KING. (Liyana, the panic button is by your left foot, just in case)
Hi Julie! Thanks for having me here. I’m not sure if I can reach that panic button, this armor, I meant protection, I MEANT SUIT, is pretty clunky. Lemme try. *stretches, panic button goes off* Whoops! Whoa, is that supposed to happen?
Puck: Huh. The lazer beams were a nice touch.
Meghan: Hi Liyana. Wow, you live in Singapore? How intriguing. Are there any cool, exotic places in Singapore you’ve been to? Or some you would like to visit?
Hi Meghan, it’s great to finally meet you! You know, after living in Singapore all these years, the cool, exotic places just don’t seem that cool anymore. One place I love to visit is Clarke Quay. There’s the Merlion, riverboats, hot guys on riverboats, the sun, river, shopping malls all around… ooh.
Let's go down to the riverside, it's an unforgettable sight
To see the sunrise on a faraway isle, turning darkness into light
Puck: Selamat Datang, Lianna. Apa Khabar? Di mana tandas?
Author: I don’t think she speaks Malay, Puck.
Puck: No? *consults Malay dictionary* Saya minta maaf.
Author: PUCK!
Puck: Okay, okay. Liyana, if you could suddenly understand and communicate with one type of animal (dogs, cats, chickens), what would it be?
Puck, saya faham Bahasa Melayu! (I understand the Malay language… in Malay. LOL)*hi fives* I’d love to be able to communicate with my hamsters and find out what they mean when they’re looking at me with those big googley eyes. Or maybe that’s just what they mean. O.O
Ash: When did you first get into blogging, and why? What has been the best and worst part of blogging?
In March this year. It’s due to my huge TBR list that just seemed to be increasing. Talking about books has always been fun, so I just decided to open up an actual blog to yap about them! The best part is writing what you feel about the books, which can be construed as the worst part too, especially when you think of authors getting hurt by harsh reviews.
Meghan: What are some of your favorite books, authors, and genres? Do they get the same books in Singapore as they do in the States?
One of my favourite YA series is Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. It has a kickass, badass heroine. As for genres, I love paranormal and fantasy. Reading about something that doesn’t seem to exist (…or does it? Jeng jeng jeng!) in real life is really the best part for me.
For books sold in Singapore, the range is not as wide, and they’re usually sold sometime after its release date, but at least they’re being sold here!
Puck: Okay, Liyana, I’m going to throw out a series of words, and you tell me the first thing that comes to mind. And then I will tell you something about yourself. Got it? Here we go.
Blue: Pink
Socks: Furry!
Rain: Mist
Scary: Movie 3
Winter: Clean, white snow.
Furry: Hamsters
Vampire: Diaries
Favorite: Character
Puck: You? :P
Puck: Huh, I was hoping to get a Puck: Handsome. Or maybe a Puck: Sexy. Or a Puck: Incredibly charming devilish rake who I would love to meet for a virgin daiquiri later to—ow! *Rubs head, glares at Meghan.*
Meghan: I saw that bottle of faery wine you snuck in here, Puck. Don’t even think about it.
Ash: If you could learn one skill, regardless of time or money, what would it be?
It’d have to be wakeboarding. Or horse-riding! Whoo hoo! *gets on a horse and twirls cowgirl hat*
Meghan: If you were suddenly sucked into a book, which book would you choose and what would you do in the story?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I’d probably be the one making harry lost in the maze. *snickers*
Puck: Someone has given you a time-travel device, but it can only be used once: one trip into the future or past, and back again. What do you use it for?
I can’t think of anything right now, so I’ll just save it until I find a use for it sometime in the future. :D
Ash: The Zombie Apocalypse has come. The undead are filling the streets in hordes and you must flee to safety, but can only take three things with you. What are they?
1) Ash, you can use a sword right? I know you’re not a “thing” but can I bring you?
2) A flamethrower that will never run out.
3) (My loved ones shrunk to Barbie doll size in) A suitcase full of tiny holes.
Author: Thanks, Liyana for the interview. Before we go, is there anything you’d like to ask Meghan, Ash, or Puck?
Who do you think will win in a deathmatch: Julie or Puck?
Puck: Oh, that’s easy! I’d just change her into a mouse, then change myself into a cat. End of story.
Author: Sorry Goodfellow. Those rules don’t apply to your creator. I know all your weaknesses.
Puck: Ah, hate to break it to you, but this guy called Willy Shakespeare made me famous loooong before you came along. Even you don’t know all my tricks.
Author: Don’t tempt me. I brought you into this world, I can take you out again.
Puck: Bring it on, chica.
Author: Oh, that’s it. WHERE’S MY KATANA?
Ash: *To Meghan and Liyana* My money’s on katana girl.
Meghan: I’ll get the popcorn.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Rockin' Contest Winners
First, I want to thank everyone who entered. I really didn't expect to get as many entries as I did, so I'm very grateful to you all. (P.S. the landslide was very much in Puck's favor, so he's off tormenting Ash with that information. I expect to see him fleeing for his life any minute now.)
Anyway, the Random Number Generator has spoken and the numbers were:
and 97
Which means, I have three winners! They are, in order:
Woohoo! Congrats you three; I'll be contacting you for information on where to send your rocks. Thanks again to everyone who participated. Looks like no one gets to be a hedgehog after all. ;)
Anyway, the Random Number Generator has spoken and the numbers were:
and 97
Which means, I have three winners! They are, in order:
Woohoo! Congrats you three; I'll be contacting you for information on where to send your rocks. Thanks again to everyone who participated. Looks like no one gets to be a hedgehog after all. ;)
WoW limmerick: Rise of Renegade X
Ahhhh, superheroes. They hold a special place in my heart. I'm a huge, geeky fan of Spiderman, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Batman, Deadpool, ect. ect. ect. So of course, any book with a teenaged superhero/villian gets my full attention. So here's this week's WoW, brought to you in limmerick form.

The Rise of Renegade X by Chelsea Campbell
Sixteen year old Damien Locke
Is from Supervillian Mastermind stock.
So its a horrible bother
When a superhero father
Insists on a deep heart-to-heart talk.

The Rise of Renegade X by Chelsea Campbell
Sixteen year old Damien Locke
Is from Supervillian Mastermind stock.
So its a horrible bother
When a superhero father
Insists on a deep heart-to-heart talk.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Teaser Tuesday
This IRON KING teaser was inspired by Liyana of Liyanaland, who wanted to see more about Ash and Puck. So, here it is, in all its Ash and Puck-y goodness:
"Very clever," Puck said, smirking. "But then, you were always the strategist, weren't you? What do you want, Ash?"
"Your head," Ash answered softly, "on a pike."
Your turn, now. Grab your current read, open it to a random page, and post a quick, non-spoilery sentence. Bonus points for some kind of fight scene, I love those. :)
"Very clever," Puck said, smirking. "But then, you were always the strategist, weren't you? What do you want, Ash?"
"Your head," Ash answered softly, "on a pike."
Your turn, now. Grab your current read, open it to a random page, and post a quick, non-spoilery sentence. Bonus points for some kind of fight scene, I love those. :)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A Very Faery Interview with The Story Siren
And here we are again, with another Very Faery Interview. This week, we have the famous Kristi of The Story Siren joining us today. Per normal, I’ve allowed three characters from my book, The Iron King, to conduct the interview. (Just a reminder, Meghan is the half-faery/half-human protagonist, Puck/Robin Goodfellow is her best friend, and Ash is the son of Queen Mab of the Unseelie Court.) Meghan, Ash, and Puck, take it away.
Meghan: Hi Kristi! Wow, you have over 800 followers on your blog! Can you tell us a little about how you got into blogging in the first place? How long have you been doing this, and who has been your inspiration?
I know, 800 some followers! I still can’t believe it, it’s so out of this world, in my opinion, but very awesome.
I sort of fell into blogging. I don’t have an exciting story to tell about it, it’s actually pretty lame. I used to have a personal blog, and that was actually really boring. I’m not an interesting person at all. I did a few book “reviews” on there, every once in a while. That part was actually fun. I’ve always been an insane reader. Hitting the library up once a week, reading like a crazy person. Put two and two together, and wham you’ve got a book blog.
Puck: What would you rather have over for tea; a glaistig or a kelpie?
Author: *burying face in hands* Puck …
Puck: What? She’s a Siren, its right there on her blog. A Siren is a water monster that lures sailors overboard to drown. She should know these things.
Author: Ask another question.
Puck: Nope! I wanna know. So, Kristi: glaistig or kelpie? (Hint: they both like luring humans underwater.)
I personally know a glaistig and a kelpie and honstely, I wouldn’t have either over for tea. They are so very boring and competitive, always talking numbers. I’m really not that interested in hearing about the hot guys that they’ve recently seduced and, well, ultimately devoured. But you know, glaistigs do have better table manners.
Puck: Not the ones I know.
Ash: Everyone has favorite heroes, but who are your favorite YA villains? Has there been a villain that creeped you out, scared you so much you couldn’t read the book at night, or made you wish you could jump into the book just to knock them out?
Oh, what an awesome question! ... that I have no idea how to answer! Let’s see here...
Scary villain wise, I would have to vote for the Vours, from The Devouring. I’m not even sure what those things are, but they scare the crap out of me. SCARY!
Meghan: I love your big rottie, Xander! Where did you get him, what are his best tricks, and is there something he does that you just want to brag about? Also, has he ever eaten any of your books?
He came from a breeder in southern Indiana, right outside of Lousiville. I’ve always wanted a Rottie, but I wanted to make sure I got one from a well respected breeder. Xander’s dad was actually a service dog! So that’s why he’s so smart. He gets really upset that every rottie portrayed in the media is usually ripping someone or something to shreds. Xander isn’t like that at all.
He can pick up his own toys. And he does. He also thinks he is a lap dog even though he weighs more than I do. He loves to go swimming and hang out with his cousins, Tia and Toben. He’s also a bed and cover hog! He will be three on Sept. 29!
He has never eaten any of my books! He knows better.
Puck: Okay, you’ve built a castle with a deep moat around it to protect your books from … uh … the terrible Book Burning army that is on its way. What do you put in the moat? (Notice how all my questions are water based.)
Sharks with frickin’ lazer beams attached to their heads. HA! Did anyone else get that? Or am I just that lame. But really I’m going to go with the sharks with the lazer beams.
Puck: We don’t have any sharks with lazer beams. We do have … sea bass. And they're irritable.
Ash: If you go back in time to when you first started your blog, what advice would you give your younger self?
Just be yourself, you can’t make everyone like you. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Stand up for what you believe in, don’t be afraid to hurt someone’s feelings or make them mad... que number one again... you can’t make everyone like you!
Most importantly: HAVE FUN!
Meghan: Tell us five things about yourself.
1. I am an aries
2. I have two younger sisters.
3. I’ve delivered a puppy, a lamb and a calf.
4. I’ve never broken a bone or had a cavity.
5. I love to play board games.
Puck: What character are you most like in Disney’s The Little Mermaid? Ariel, Flounder, Sebastian, Scuttle, Ursula, Triton, Max, ect…
I’d say Sebastian. Despite how I come across sometimes.. I’m a very mature and responsible person. HA! No really I am. I’m very responsible. But yet at the same time I have a huge soft spot. I like people to be happy and help make people happy. Just like Sebastian.
Ash: The Zombie Apocalypse has struck. The undead are filling the streets and beating down your doors. You must flee, but you can only take three things with you. What are they?
1. J (my hunka hunka burnin’ love)
2. Xander
3. Probably a knife too.... or a baseball bat.
(Of course I’m going to assume the Zombies have no interest in my books, just my brains, so they will be safe for the time being.)
Author: Thanks, Kristi, for your patience, I mean participation. Is there anything you’d like to ask Meghan, Ash, or Puck?
If you had to live your life as an animal, what would it be and why?
Meghan: Ummm, I’m told I’m loyal, feisty, and stubborn, so maybe a terrier of some sort? I could live inside and do nothing but play and eat and get petted. Not a bad life, if you ask me.
Puck: A raven, because they’re smart and crafty, and can fly away if things get too rough. And I could sit on telephone poles and drop things on people walking underneath.
Ash: I’ve always admired the wolf’s strength and ability to survive, even in the harshest climates. So I’d probably go with wolf.
Puck: A wolf? Really? Cause I was thinking more … wild boar. Bristly, bad-tempered, unpredictable? Really stink—uh oh. Get away, ice-boy. No fair using swords! Meghan, help!
Meghan: I don’t know why you keep provoking him if you know he’s going to do that.
Want to know more about Meghan and the boys from THE IRON KING? Visit my website at www.juliekagawa.com
Meghan: Hi Kristi! Wow, you have over 800 followers on your blog! Can you tell us a little about how you got into blogging in the first place? How long have you been doing this, and who has been your inspiration?
I know, 800 some followers! I still can’t believe it, it’s so out of this world, in my opinion, but very awesome.
I sort of fell into blogging. I don’t have an exciting story to tell about it, it’s actually pretty lame. I used to have a personal blog, and that was actually really boring. I’m not an interesting person at all. I did a few book “reviews” on there, every once in a while. That part was actually fun. I’ve always been an insane reader. Hitting the library up once a week, reading like a crazy person. Put two and two together, and wham you’ve got a book blog.
Puck: What would you rather have over for tea; a glaistig or a kelpie?
Author: *burying face in hands* Puck …
Puck: What? She’s a Siren, its right there on her blog. A Siren is a water monster that lures sailors overboard to drown. She should know these things.
Author: Ask another question.
Puck: Nope! I wanna know. So, Kristi: glaistig or kelpie? (Hint: they both like luring humans underwater.)
I personally know a glaistig and a kelpie and honstely, I wouldn’t have either over for tea. They are so very boring and competitive, always talking numbers. I’m really not that interested in hearing about the hot guys that they’ve recently seduced and, well, ultimately devoured. But you know, glaistigs do have better table manners.
Puck: Not the ones I know.
Ash: Everyone has favorite heroes, but who are your favorite YA villains? Has there been a villain that creeped you out, scared you so much you couldn’t read the book at night, or made you wish you could jump into the book just to knock them out?
Oh, what an awesome question! ... that I have no idea how to answer! Let’s see here...
Scary villain wise, I would have to vote for the Vours, from The Devouring. I’m not even sure what those things are, but they scare the crap out of me. SCARY!
Meghan: I love your big rottie, Xander! Where did you get him, what are his best tricks, and is there something he does that you just want to brag about? Also, has he ever eaten any of your books?
He came from a breeder in southern Indiana, right outside of Lousiville. I’ve always wanted a Rottie, but I wanted to make sure I got one from a well respected breeder. Xander’s dad was actually a service dog! So that’s why he’s so smart. He gets really upset that every rottie portrayed in the media is usually ripping someone or something to shreds. Xander isn’t like that at all.
He can pick up his own toys. And he does. He also thinks he is a lap dog even though he weighs more than I do. He loves to go swimming and hang out with his cousins, Tia and Toben. He’s also a bed and cover hog! He will be three on Sept. 29!
He has never eaten any of my books! He knows better.
Puck: Okay, you’ve built a castle with a deep moat around it to protect your books from … uh … the terrible Book Burning army that is on its way. What do you put in the moat? (Notice how all my questions are water based.)
Sharks with frickin’ lazer beams attached to their heads. HA! Did anyone else get that? Or am I just that lame. But really I’m going to go with the sharks with the lazer beams.
Puck: We don’t have any sharks with lazer beams. We do have … sea bass. And they're irritable.
Ash: If you go back in time to when you first started your blog, what advice would you give your younger self?
Just be yourself, you can’t make everyone like you. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Stand up for what you believe in, don’t be afraid to hurt someone’s feelings or make them mad... que number one again... you can’t make everyone like you!
Most importantly: HAVE FUN!
Meghan: Tell us five things about yourself.
1. I am an aries
2. I have two younger sisters.
3. I’ve delivered a puppy, a lamb and a calf.
4. I’ve never broken a bone or had a cavity.
5. I love to play board games.
Puck: What character are you most like in Disney’s The Little Mermaid? Ariel, Flounder, Sebastian, Scuttle, Ursula, Triton, Max, ect…
I’d say Sebastian. Despite how I come across sometimes.. I’m a very mature and responsible person. HA! No really I am. I’m very responsible. But yet at the same time I have a huge soft spot. I like people to be happy and help make people happy. Just like Sebastian.
Ash: The Zombie Apocalypse has struck. The undead are filling the streets and beating down your doors. You must flee, but you can only take three things with you. What are they?
1. J (my hunka hunka burnin’ love)
2. Xander
3. Probably a knife too.... or a baseball bat.
(Of course I’m going to assume the Zombies have no interest in my books, just my brains, so they will be safe for the time being.)
Author: Thanks, Kristi, for your patience, I mean participation. Is there anything you’d like to ask Meghan, Ash, or Puck?
If you had to live your life as an animal, what would it be and why?
Meghan: Ummm, I’m told I’m loyal, feisty, and stubborn, so maybe a terrier of some sort? I could live inside and do nothing but play and eat and get petted. Not a bad life, if you ask me.
Puck: A raven, because they’re smart and crafty, and can fly away if things get too rough. And I could sit on telephone poles and drop things on people walking underneath.
Ash: I’ve always admired the wolf’s strength and ability to survive, even in the harshest climates. So I’d probably go with wolf.
Puck: A wolf? Really? Cause I was thinking more … wild boar. Bristly, bad-tempered, unpredictable? Really stink—uh oh. Get away, ice-boy. No fair using swords! Meghan, help!
Meghan: I don’t know why you keep provoking him if you know he’s going to do that.
Want to know more about Meghan and the boys from THE IRON KING? Visit my website at www.juliekagawa.com
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
WoW in limmerick!
I was going to do a WoW post today, but there are already so many WoW posts citing so many cool books, and I wanted to do something different. So, today's Waiting on Wednesday will be brought to you ... in limmerick form!

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
There once was a human named Nora
who by most accounts seemed a bore-a.
Then she meets sexy Patch,
but there's always a catch;
He's an angel who's bad to the core-a.

Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater
There once was a witty young gent
who played the 'loyal best friend' in Lament.
Now he must choose
between his best friend and Muse
before the King of the Dead collects rent.
Huh, that was kind of fun. Maybe I'll do all my WoW posts like that. What are you guys looking forward to?

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
There once was a human named Nora
who by most accounts seemed a bore-a.
Then she meets sexy Patch,
but there's always a catch;
He's an angel who's bad to the core-a.

Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater
There once was a witty young gent
who played the 'loyal best friend' in Lament.
Now he must choose
between his best friend and Muse
before the King of the Dead collects rent.
Huh, that was kind of fun. Maybe I'll do all my WoW posts like that. What are you guys looking forward to?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Teaser Tuesday
I've decided to post a small, one (or two or three) sentence teaser from the upcoming THE IRON KING every Tuesday until ... whenever I get tired of doing them. :D So, here's today's teaser. Hope you enjoy.
But, for a split second, I saw Angie covering her nose with her hands, and her screams were sounding more and more like the squeals of a pig.
Now its your turn. Grab your current read, open it to a page, and post a (non-spoilery) sentence. (I'm totally stealing this idea from The Book Pixie. Hope that's okay.) :)
Until next time...
But, for a split second, I saw Angie covering her nose with her hands, and her screams were sounding more and more like the squeals of a pig.
Now its your turn. Grab your current read, open it to a page, and post a (non-spoilery) sentence. (I'm totally stealing this idea from The Book Pixie. Hope that's okay.) :)
Until next time...
Friday, September 18, 2009
A Very Faery Interview with The Page Flipper
A Very Faery Interview with The Page Flipper.
We’re back (didja miss us?) with another Very Faery Interview, this time with the awesome Chelsea of The Page Flipper. Rules are simple: have fun, say whatever comes to mind, and no turning hapless bloggers into animals, vegetables, or minerals. *Glares at Puck.* Other than that, anything goes. Meghan, Ash, Puck; its all yours.
Meghan: Hi Chelsea! I hear you’re a writer too. Tell us a little about your writing. What’s your story about? How far along are you? Do you write everyday?
Hi Meghan! I sure am. I try and write every day, but I’d be lying if I said I made that goal 365 times a year. But, hey, it’s just a little while lie. So, erm, yes. Right now, on my WIP, I’m around 15,000 words, and it’s a paranormal, edgy tale. It has two smexy boys that I’m decidedly obsessed with, although ones kind of, you know, viciously evil. But whatevs. Most of what I write is supernatural or fantasy based, but I branch off into a lot of other genres, just like I do with my reading.
Puck: What kind of supernatural boyfriend/love-interest/stalker would you not mind having?
Does Jensen Ackles from Supernatural count? He’s not supernatural himself, but he’s close enough to it that I’m definitely thinking it should count. *drools* But, if you’re crabby and want to deprive me of Jensen, I’ll go with Jace from the Mortal Instruments series. I’m thinking he’ll do. Oh! Or Spike from Buffy. He can stalk me any day. Can I just have all three? Go polygamy!
Ash: What has been the best and worst part of blogging?
The best part is talking about books with other readers. I’ve made a lot of great friendships through this, both online and in person – book bloggers (and readers in general) have this type of kinship we can all relate to. It’s great. The worst part is the time it takes to keep it current and active. Sometimes I’m forced to stop myself from ogling boys to write a review, and that’s just depressing. I wish I had one of Hermione’s Time Turners or something. But other than that, I absolutely love book blogging.
Meghan: If you could bring any one character out of a book into the real world, who would it be?
Hmm. You! (brownie points?) You can come with Jackie Faber from Bloody Jack and we can have a paaaarty! It’ll be fun, eh?
Puck: Soooo, you’re a writer, eh? Quick, use these words in a sentence: purple, roller coaster, lemonade, socks, flinging/flung, elephant, Edward Cullen.
Edward Cullen, moping as usual, was being dragged to the circus. Again. Carlisle has a very awkward and irrational love of clowns, so these secret “hunting” trips have been happening frequently for the past hundred years. He grudgingly follows the path to the entrance, passing lemonade and cotton candy stands without interest. An elephant off to the right was flinging a group of midgets up into the air with his trunk, each of them catching on to a beam. There was a roller coaster off to the left, and it snaked into a giant fake gorilla’s open mouth, flashing lights coming from inside. Ringling Brothers has this place pretty decked out, and if he hadn’t seen it all before, he probably wouldn’t be gagging. His nausea induced, though, he missed Carlisle running over to talk to the Head Clown, whose purple hat was docked on his head two feet high, and had polka-dotted socks sticking out of his giant clown shoes. This would all be so much easier if he didn’t have to hear Carlisle’s creepy clowntastic thoughts.
And holy crap, I just saw the word “sentence” up there. You wanted that all in ONE sentence, Puck? After I just wrote that whole thing? Negative. I’m cheating. Besides, I think you changed it after I was 2/3 of the way through. I’m on to you, trickster.
Puck: Uh oh. I’m becoming too transparent.
Ash: Who are some of your favorite authors? And if you could spend an hour talking to any author you wanted, dead or alive, who would it be?
I love everything by Laurie Halse Anderson, and she’d definitely be my hour-long conversationalist. I’d probably spontaneously combust from excitement, though. Eek. Chelsea bits everywhere! But I also love Meg Cabot, L.A. Meyer, Scott Westerfeld, Mary Pearson, Suzanne Collins, and countless others. These are all authors who have several books I’ve enjoyed, but there are a ton of debut authors whose writing and storytelling give me goosebumps.
Meghan: Reading is great because you get to travel wherever the book takes you. But, if you could go anywhere in the world, regardless of time or money, where would you go?
Dangerous question. I’ll just pick the entirety of Europe. I really want to go to Scotland, Paris, England, Rome – the whole works. I really, really want to travel one day.
Puck: What flavor Skittle are you? Also, what is better: Skittles or Jelly Belly? Also, what flavor Jelly Belly do you hate? (I can’t stand the popcorn ones. Popcorn is fluffy, people!)
Are you kidding? Skittles rock. Stupid Jelly Belly’s don’t know their place. I’d be orange, too, because, um, it tastes the best? I’ve heard they all taste the same if you plug your nose, though, but I think it’s a load of crap. Want to test it for me?
Puck: Sure! Hey, Ash, plug your nose.
Ash: *Glares, draws sword.*
Ash: And now we come to the zombie question. The Zombie Apocalypse has arrived. The undead are beating down your doors and you must flee to safety, but you can only take three things with you. What are they?
Is the safety relative, or true? Because those would be completely different answers. If we’re truly free of the zombies, I won’t need my arsenal of guns, now, will I? We’ll assume safety.
1) My battlecat, Kringer.
2) My laptop (“safety” better have internet)
3) Buffy the Vampire Slayer boxed set.
Bring it on, zombies.
Puck: *Eyes Ash.* She has a gun arsenal?
Ash: Hn. I like her.
Thanks, Chelsea, for the interview. Before we go, is there anything you’d like to ask Meghan, Ash, or Puck?
Thank you. And to any of you – what’s your favorite movie, from any era? If you three can pester your author into answering, too, I’d be tickled.
Meghan: I love horror movies of any type. I couldn’t pick just one, but I like especially Halloween (the first one), Twenty-Eight Days Later (speedy zombies!), and The Grudge.
Puck: I love all the Midsummer’s Night Dreams, for obvious reasons.
Ash: I like anything with sword fights, particularly those by the mortal Kirosawa. I can appreciate the mindset of the human samurai.
Author: Oh, I can’t pick a favorite. I do love all the Miyazaki films, particularly Princess Mononoki, Spirited Away, and Howl’s Moving Castle.
Puck: Julie likes cartoons.
Author: Shut up, Puck.
We’re back (didja miss us?) with another Very Faery Interview, this time with the awesome Chelsea of The Page Flipper. Rules are simple: have fun, say whatever comes to mind, and no turning hapless bloggers into animals, vegetables, or minerals. *Glares at Puck.* Other than that, anything goes. Meghan, Ash, Puck; its all yours.
Meghan: Hi Chelsea! I hear you’re a writer too. Tell us a little about your writing. What’s your story about? How far along are you? Do you write everyday?
Hi Meghan! I sure am. I try and write every day, but I’d be lying if I said I made that goal 365 times a year. But, hey, it’s just a little while lie. So, erm, yes. Right now, on my WIP, I’m around 15,000 words, and it’s a paranormal, edgy tale. It has two smexy boys that I’m decidedly obsessed with, although ones kind of, you know, viciously evil. But whatevs. Most of what I write is supernatural or fantasy based, but I branch off into a lot of other genres, just like I do with my reading.
Puck: What kind of supernatural boyfriend/love-interest/stalker would you not mind having?
Does Jensen Ackles from Supernatural count? He’s not supernatural himself, but he’s close enough to it that I’m definitely thinking it should count. *drools* But, if you’re crabby and want to deprive me of Jensen, I’ll go with Jace from the Mortal Instruments series. I’m thinking he’ll do. Oh! Or Spike from Buffy. He can stalk me any day. Can I just have all three? Go polygamy!
Ash: What has been the best and worst part of blogging?
The best part is talking about books with other readers. I’ve made a lot of great friendships through this, both online and in person – book bloggers (and readers in general) have this type of kinship we can all relate to. It’s great. The worst part is the time it takes to keep it current and active. Sometimes I’m forced to stop myself from ogling boys to write a review, and that’s just depressing. I wish I had one of Hermione’s Time Turners or something. But other than that, I absolutely love book blogging.
Meghan: If you could bring any one character out of a book into the real world, who would it be?
Hmm. You! (brownie points?) You can come with Jackie Faber from Bloody Jack and we can have a paaaarty! It’ll be fun, eh?
Puck: Soooo, you’re a writer, eh? Quick, use these words in a sentence: purple, roller coaster, lemonade, socks, flinging/flung, elephant, Edward Cullen.
Edward Cullen, moping as usual, was being dragged to the circus. Again. Carlisle has a very awkward and irrational love of clowns, so these secret “hunting” trips have been happening frequently for the past hundred years. He grudgingly follows the path to the entrance, passing lemonade and cotton candy stands without interest. An elephant off to the right was flinging a group of midgets up into the air with his trunk, each of them catching on to a beam. There was a roller coaster off to the left, and it snaked into a giant fake gorilla’s open mouth, flashing lights coming from inside. Ringling Brothers has this place pretty decked out, and if he hadn’t seen it all before, he probably wouldn’t be gagging. His nausea induced, though, he missed Carlisle running over to talk to the Head Clown, whose purple hat was docked on his head two feet high, and had polka-dotted socks sticking out of his giant clown shoes. This would all be so much easier if he didn’t have to hear Carlisle’s creepy clowntastic thoughts.
And holy crap, I just saw the word “sentence” up there. You wanted that all in ONE sentence, Puck? After I just wrote that whole thing? Negative. I’m cheating. Besides, I think you changed it after I was 2/3 of the way through. I’m on to you, trickster.
Puck: Uh oh. I’m becoming too transparent.
Ash: Who are some of your favorite authors? And if you could spend an hour talking to any author you wanted, dead or alive, who would it be?
I love everything by Laurie Halse Anderson, and she’d definitely be my hour-long conversationalist. I’d probably spontaneously combust from excitement, though. Eek. Chelsea bits everywhere! But I also love Meg Cabot, L.A. Meyer, Scott Westerfeld, Mary Pearson, Suzanne Collins, and countless others. These are all authors who have several books I’ve enjoyed, but there are a ton of debut authors whose writing and storytelling give me goosebumps.
Meghan: Reading is great because you get to travel wherever the book takes you. But, if you could go anywhere in the world, regardless of time or money, where would you go?
Dangerous question. I’ll just pick the entirety of Europe. I really want to go to Scotland, Paris, England, Rome – the whole works. I really, really want to travel one day.
Puck: What flavor Skittle are you? Also, what is better: Skittles or Jelly Belly? Also, what flavor Jelly Belly do you hate? (I can’t stand the popcorn ones. Popcorn is fluffy, people!)
Are you kidding? Skittles rock. Stupid Jelly Belly’s don’t know their place. I’d be orange, too, because, um, it tastes the best? I’ve heard they all taste the same if you plug your nose, though, but I think it’s a load of crap. Want to test it for me?
Puck: Sure! Hey, Ash, plug your nose.
Ash: *Glares, draws sword.*
Ash: And now we come to the zombie question. The Zombie Apocalypse has arrived. The undead are beating down your doors and you must flee to safety, but you can only take three things with you. What are they?
Is the safety relative, or true? Because those would be completely different answers. If we’re truly free of the zombies, I won’t need my arsenal of guns, now, will I? We’ll assume safety.
1) My battlecat, Kringer.
2) My laptop (“safety” better have internet)
3) Buffy the Vampire Slayer boxed set.
Bring it on, zombies.
Puck: *Eyes Ash.* She has a gun arsenal?
Ash: Hn. I like her.
Thanks, Chelsea, for the interview. Before we go, is there anything you’d like to ask Meghan, Ash, or Puck?
Thank you. And to any of you – what’s your favorite movie, from any era? If you three can pester your author into answering, too, I’d be tickled.
Meghan: I love horror movies of any type. I couldn’t pick just one, but I like especially Halloween (the first one), Twenty-Eight Days Later (speedy zombies!), and The Grudge.
Puck: I love all the Midsummer’s Night Dreams, for obvious reasons.
Ash: I like anything with sword fights, particularly those by the mortal Kirosawa. I can appreciate the mindset of the human samurai.
Author: Oh, I can’t pick a favorite. I do love all the Miyazaki films, particularly Princess Mononoki, Spirited Away, and Howl’s Moving Castle.
Puck: Julie likes cartoons.
Author: Shut up, Puck.
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