Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Twitter party with ME

Ready to PARTY?

Join Gail from Ticket to Anywhere , Pam from Bookalicious , Erica from The Book Cellar , and myself for a Twitter party celebrating the release of The Iron Daughter.

The party will be this Saturday (July 31st) at 8 PM est. and will last about 1.5 hours. For the first half hour, we will be discussing The Iron Daughter and the last hour will be a Q&A, where I will answer all your burning questions about the Iron Fey, Meghan, Ash, Puck, Grim, ect.

And of course, what kind of party is without prizes? There will be lovely prizes, including 2 Iron Kings, 2 Iron Daughters, a couple signed, doodled bookplates (by me), and a grand prize of a Grimalkin rock near the end of the night.

(Grim rocks)

Want to come? Follow the chat on twitter or tweetchat using the hashtag #ironfey

Hope to see you all Saturday! Feel free to grab the invite below and spread the word!


  1. Grim rocks!!!!! That is so awesome :) Grim is my favorite of characters- (well except for Ash) I just finished the iron king...and i'll be reading the iron daughter in a few days :) This is very awesome :D cant wait!!!

  2. LOVE the Grim rocks! Grim is my fav! Aside from Puck but Grim comes first lol.

    I'm hoping to make it to the twitter party, I always miss these for some reason!

  3. Michele (CanadianTwiMom)August 1, 2010 at 10:17 AM

    Dang!! I missed it! I don't Twitter but would have had I checked in earlier... I'm sure it was fun! This is one of the best series ever! Love the Grim rocks!! <3 <3 <3 Congrats on The Iron Daughter Julie... this sequel will be a HUGE success!! Can't wait for The Iron Queen!!!!

  4. I'm looking forward to joining this Twitter party.
