Meghan: Hi everyone! And welcome to the first stop on the Iron Queen Court blog tour! Me and my…uh…colleague are here to discuss the tour and tell you about the awesome prizes you can win for following it, to celebrate the release of The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa. Why don’t you tell everyone about that, Grim?

Meghan: Okaaaaaaaaaay, I guess I will, then. So what is the Iron Queen Court blog tour? Well, to put it simply, there are three courts of Faery: Summer, Winter, and now the newest court, Iron. And we want you do declare your allegiance to the court of your choosing. In a moment, Grimalkin will introduce the court captains, their blogs, and the tour schedule so you know who will be where on that day. Not only can you win some very unique prizes for following the tour, but some very special guests will be dropping by to add to the fun. To find out who will be there, you’ll have to follow the tour and see!
Okay, Grim. I did the hard part. It’s your turn to introduce the court captains, the tour dates, and the prizes. So stop pretending to take a nap and start introducing! We gave you a favor for this, after all.
Grimalkin: *Sigh* If I must. But if I fall asleep out of boredom, it is not my fault. Let us get this over with.
Monday, January 24: Stop 1, Stacey at
PageTurners Blog. Summer Court captain Stacey has a custom iPod loaded with songs of the Summer Court to give away. Stacey shows good sense in her alliance. You may want to pay attention to her.
Tuesday, January 25: Here I must pause to note the long awaited release of The Iron Queen, and the final epic battle with The Iron Fey. I know how the story ends, do you? Perhaps you should remedy that.

Wednesday, January 26: Stop 2, Gail at
Ticket To Anywhere. Gail is an official Winter Court captain, and I fear this lamentable lapse in judgment may be due to a certain uptight faery prince. Gail will give away an original drawing by Julie Kagawa herself.
Friday, January 28: Stop 3,
MundieMoms. These ill-advised humans have stepped forward as captains of the Iron Court. A surprise prize pack might be given away, but I will not tell you what it is. I am told humans have a strange affinity for surprises.
Monday, January 31: Stop 4,
Kristi, the Story Siren. Kristi is a Winter Court captain, and she, too, has a custom iPod to give away, this one loaded with select songs of the Winter Court. I am not certain Kristi realizes that iPods and ice do not always a good pairing make. Take your chances.
Wednesday, February 2: Stop 5,
Galleysmith , another Iron Court captain. *hisses* Here Julie Kagawa will share information about creating the Iron Realm. This I must read myself, for I cannot fathom any reason to create such an abomination. Galleysmith will have another one-of-a-kind drawing by Julie for you to win, this time of the Iron Court.
Friday, February 4: Stop 6. Nicole at
Word For Teens is a Summer Court captain, and I fear a certain obnoxious redhead of the smart-aleck variety may be present. Nicole will be giving away another of those surprises you humans are so fond of. Visit her blog, if you dare.
Monday, February 7: Stop 7.
Bookalicio.us , another ill-advised Iron Court captain, who has a custom iPod to give away, loaded with songs of the Iron Court. Beware. I heard they tried to get the gremlins to sing, but it went horribly awry.
Wednesday, February 9: Stop 8,
The Bookish Type . This Summer Court captain will reveal the inspiration behind Kagawa’s vision of the Summer Court, and will be giving away a one-of-a-kind drawing by the author. Possibly of a most pleasing subject.
Friday, February 11: Stop 9.
Erica at The Book Cellar. This staunch Winter Court captain may have invited a dark, brooding and icy guest. If you’re interested--and if you don’t mind being an icicle--visit her blog to see what her guest is giving away.
I hope you kept up with me, humans. I fear for your safety if you stray from the blog path. Do not come crying to me should you find yourself wandering about with your clothing inside out, humming a strange melody.
Ye gods, that was tedious. I am going to sleep now. Do not bother me for at least a century or two. *Disappears*
Meghan: Uh, thanks Grim. So, anyway, that’s the tour! Doesn’t it sound exciting? To summarize, here is a list of the things you could win:
Custom Summer Court iPod w/ songs
Winter Court artwork by Julie Kagawa
Surprise prize pack
Custom Winter Court iPod w/ songs
Iron Court artwork by Julie Kagawa
Surprise prize pack
Custom Iron Court iPod w/songs
Summer Court artwork by Julie Kagawa
Surprise prize pack
So visit your favorite blogs, declare your court allegiance, and enter to win! And don’t forget to pick up a copy of The Iron Queen on January 25! Trust me, it’s going to be epic.
For the latest buzz on the books, you can also visit the
Iron Fey Facebook fan page as well as our digital home away from the Nevernever,
Enterthefaeryworld.com Good luck, everyone!
-Meghan Chase