Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Teaser Tuesday/Forever Song giveaway

A box of shiny Forever Songs arrived on my doorstep the other day.

So, of course, you know what that means.


But first, here's a short teaser for today's Teaser Tuesday, taken from The Forever Song of course.


I slumped in relief, then turned...to face a squadron of suspicious, hard-eyed soldiers, their assult rifles already trained on us all.


And before I get to the giveaway, I want to show you the image under the dust jacket. The book itself is gorgeous, but if you take of the cover, you get this:

Isn't she absolutely stunning?  I love her, I have a total girl crush on her right now.  Anyway, GIVEAWAY time!  See below for the cool things up for grabs.

Yep, that is a dragon on The Forever Song reading The Forever Song.  And here is a closer look at the dragon.

So that's it! A signed book and a dragon reading a book.  You know what to do with the Rafflecopter thingie.

And yes, it is international.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. omg thank you so much for this giveaway!!!!! I would loovveeee to win!!! good luck everyone!!!!!

  2. OH OH OH OH OH OH thats all I have to day!! TY TY for this chance! <3333

  3. You rock lady! I'd love to add this chibi to my collection, and have a nice signed pretty book (even though I've got it preordered!) You rock, and I <3 it! Thanks for doing this!!!

  4. OH MY GOODNESS the dragon is just toooo cute!!!

  5. I would love him and hug him and cuddle him :). He really is so cute.

    You're right, she is stunning. And that is how I kind of envision her - thank you.

  6. I am possibly the oldest one here. Don't care. I'm geeky excited. ;-)

  7. Thanks for the giveaway! Love the series and I've wanted one of your figurines for a while!

  8. DYING TO HAVE THAT DRAGON!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!! :):):):)

  9. * Grabby hands* I wants it alllll ;A;

  10. Luv the purple dragon. Thanx for the chance.

  11. Love it!!! Thank you sooo much for this giveaway!!!!

  12. That dragon is the cutest thing ever! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  13. Love this giveaway! the dragon is so cute!

  14. Ahhhh I want to read this so bad!

  15. I love the dragon! I can't wait to read The Forever Song

  16. Cover model is gorgeous! And the little dragon is too, too cute! Can't wait to read this one!

  17. I hope I win!! Claws and wings crossed.

  18. Absolutely love all of your books! Thanks so much for this giveaway...I love that dragon!

  19. Could this quote be Allie and co at the doors of Eden after a rabid attack?

    The model is gorgeous. What's her name? The info's probably somewhere and I missed it but I wanna know.

    And, again, thanks for the giveaway, Julie <3

  20. OMG! A signed copy of the book and a chibi Murasaki-chan too? This is too awesome Julie!

    The cover is gorgeous as always!

    Thanks so much for this.

  21. LOVE that picture. So amazing to see books without dust covers when it's like this! GORGEOUS!

  22. OOOOMG!! There are sooooo many things I am loving about this!! The Dragon definitely takes the cake though!

  23. I wish I could win please let it be me x I can't wait to read this book .....

  24. I have to wait till may in the UK to buy a copy .

  25. So awesome Julie!

  26. I'm a big fan!!! I'm reading the Iron Queen right now!!

  27. Thank you for this giveaway Julie. <3 I would LOVE to win :D As I really, really loved The Forever Song. <3 *wants a signed copy so bad* And the dragon is so adorable! Gah. Really hoping to win :)

  28. I LOOOOOVE this little fella...and that he's reading my.favourite.book.EVAH! I don't Tweet but I follow you on Twitter and shared your link on FB. Hope that's ok! You rock, Julie! Thank you for the give-away!

  29. Is it just me or are you guys jealous of that cute dragon right now? He gets to read Forever Song before me! >_< I love you for doing this give-away! <3

  30. I just finished The Forever Song and it was really good! The cover is gorgeous as well as without the dust jacket. And super kawaii dragon, Julie! <33

  31. OMGeee this would be so cool to win! I am such a fan of yours Julie! I try every Saturday to get your dragons on Etsy and FAIL miserably! You would think at the age of 40, I would have this stuff down. NOPE! I will suceed someday. I have listened to all of The Iron Fey books on audio and they are so magical. Thank you for the chance to win!!!! I cannot WAIT to read this book!!!! I am so excited to see what you have in store for us next

  32. Omg that dragon is cute!!! The Forever Song and that dragon looks so awesome together!

  33. OMG, this is SO amazing, Thank you so much! I AM EXCITED.

  34. ME NEEDS. NOW.
    //heavy breathing

  35. Hello ! I was already following you everywhere and I'm always struggling to buy a chibi dragon when you put some on Etsy. :)
    I have a lot of your books in the French edition and can't wait to have a chance to read you in English.

    Thanks a lot for making the giveaway international ♥ Have a nice week-end !

  36. I love your dragons! I want one <3 Thanks for the amazing giveaway, the cover of The Forever Song is absolutely gorgeous!


  38. Can NOT wait for this book to come out! I have been so busy I have practically forgotten about its release! Super excited! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  39. There is something crazy wonderful about a signed book. But adding a dragon reading the book sends the wonderful into the stratosphere.

  40. Thank you for an amazing giveaway! I love, love, LOVE your dragons!!!!! This one is so incredibly adorable! *Crosses fingers*

  41. That dragon is adorable!

  42. I want it sooo bad!! And the Dragon is perfect!

  43. who won and how do u know if u do win something lol :)

    1. Yeah I've got no clue either ;) I've entered but not heard anything either way. Do we get emailed if we win? x

  44. I have also gone through your other posts too and they are also very much appreciate able and I’m just waiting for your next update to come as I like all your posts.
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