Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ash and Puck need your help

Hey, Ash and Puck fans!

Harlequin TEEN is offering an amazing opportunity. Today at 12pm EST, they are having a poll to decide the models for the cover of THE IRON KNIGHT. You, yes YOU, can vote to decide which Ash or Puck you want to see on the cover.

I have my favorites, but I'm not telling, lol.

Go to The Iron Fey Facebook page to cast your vote. Voting ends January 3rd, 2011.


  1. Such a great idea! I went and voted, I might have to start looking a Puck a little differently if number 2 is the winner, wow! I did not see Ben for Ash though? Can't we get him for the cover? Lol, anyways, excited to see what it looks like in the end :)

  2. Is it bad none of them even remotely fit the mental image I had for either? I voted based on the idea that these guys were going to be styled and costumed to fit your descriptions better Julie. It'll be even more exciting seeing TIKnight's cover knowing we all got to vote though, very cool! :)

  3. I have a favor to ask. It's really hard to see the models for Puck and Ash; could you post their pictures on your blog? Thanks!

    ~Katie P.

  4. Hey Katie,

    I can't, sorry. I don't have access to the photos, or I would.

  5. @Katie, you can click them to enlarge.
    Voted. :D I didn't imagine Ash to look like that though. At all.

  6. Is it bad of me to want Grim? I'm such a team Grim girl! :)

  7. I didn't vote...because Ben Barnes is not in the running :P :D

  8. Um, can we just get Ben Barnes?

    I know that's probably not even close to possible, but he's the PERFECT Ash. Perfect, perfect, perfect.

    If any of those Ash guys win, I think I'll just paste a Prince Caspian picture on my cover. (They all look so OLD. Now I know Ben Barnes is about 30, but he doesn't LOOK 30.)

    Puck #2 is pretty good, but my favorite Puck picture is the Xavier Samuel photo with the photoshopped red hair. LOVE THAT.

  9. ash looks so different in all the photos. not the way i imagined him.

  10. Ash is even better then I imagined!I thought Puck had won because I saw the back first.Then I saw the front and screamed!Ash.Looks.AWESOME!;)

  11. Personally I like Ash better as far as the characters are concerned but that picture of him looks nothing like how I imagined he would be and now I cant get it out of my head. I want my own image back. No Ben Barnes PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I like Puck better personality-wise and probably with the pic also--just because i already liked him. i still agree that they looked nothing like what i imagined in my head for them to look like. especially Ash...i didnt like the pic whatsoever. but i liked some of the other pictures of him on the video called " Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa (Cast) ", but i still like my imagination better...

  13. i liked Xavier Samuel as Puck, but needs a different Ash.

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